
26 March 2009

A Minor Miracle

8.59am Here is pictorial evidence of a rare occurence - the bottom of my washing basket is visible! The basket is empty! It's a miracle (I have not seen the bottom of this basket since we moved into the house two and a half years ago.)

One hour later: Ahhh yes, that's more like it!


  1. Haha! I'm looking at my ever increasing pile of clean washing ready to put away. I add a load of clean dry washing to it everyday and now it's looking like an extra couch.

  2. I don't think I even know what the bottom of my washing basket looks like! I feel great if I can get it down to a third full! Well done xxx

  3. Ahhh yes, the neverending task of washing, the bain of my life!!! The bottom of my hamper hasn't seen the light of day in years!
