
09 May 2009

What Do You Think I Am?

This morning it's cold. Autumn-turning-to-winter kind of cold. Yet there's Dash sitting in the lounge wearing a t-shirt and shorts. It's 6am and the baby has been up for half an hour already. I got to bed just after midnight, so I am walking in a fog.

Mr G did nappy duty and now it's my turn to microwave porridge and turn on the TV for the ones who are awake.
"Brrrr! I'm cold, mum," Dash says to me. "Can you get me a blanket?"
"No way, you can get it yourself!" I reply indignantly (hey, it's 6am on a Saturday!)
"Ohhh, I'm too tired!" he whines.
"Tired???!!! What do you think I am????" I retort.
"A Mother?"



  1. Kids. Sounds like something my son would say. Anyhow, I'm visiting (and following) from the Under 100 Followers Club - can't wait to read more!

  2. LOL so cute! Hope you get a nap at some point over the weekend.

  3. Yup, we so have those conversations in our household!! I think they think my name is really Slave Number 1.

  4. Hi!

    I came over from the MBC under 100 followers club.

    You are so right! I keep telling them that I'm not their maid and they are perfectly capable of getting things on their own. Hopefully they will figure it out!

    Keep it up!

