
22 December 2009

Loving... NOT Loving... The Final Countdown

Firstly I am loving finding these cute photos on my camera... obviously a certain Miss has been helping herself to it when I'm not looking...

NOT loving that my life is so full that I have no time to blog. Really. No time!  (But I am also LOVING that my life is so full that I  have no time to blog...)
As I write this there is two days remaining in the Countdown to Christmas Eve. OOOooohhh!!! Exciting! Two days til mum and dad arrive for Christmas. Two days to get all my baking and cleaning and wrapping done (oops)... two days til we can hang the stockings!

So many secret surprises hidden away; so much laughter and fun waiting to be had... (so much good food to look forward to)...

LOVING what the kids come out with...

I watched Dash through a crack in his door playing football with his soccer cards. He picks the players and lines up the teams ... (you know, like at an All Black Rugby Match).
"Are you doing the Formation, son?" I ask, trying to sound knowledgeable.
"No mum, it's the National Anthem!" he replies... then I hear:
"Geordie Boys, we are here, wo-o-oh, wo-o-oh! Geordie boys we are here! Slap wor lass with a Christmas tree..."!!!

Another time I'm on the phone to my Aunty and Princess comes up, being annoying and trying to get my attention.
"Luv, I'm on the phone! Whaddya want??"
"Mummy, It's my tummy. I think it's having a growth spurt..."
Again, Priceless.

LOVING the Secret Plans Afoot

Me and the kids have been secretly working on a project for Daddy's Christmas in the garage. I can't say what it is (in case Mr G reads this) but let's just say it has come together rather well.

And best of all the kids have pitched in and we've had some golden moments together. There we are painting and sweeping way, and Princess starts singing this song: "I love my mummy so much...! She is so wonderful... I love her so much..." etc. Mr G was in his outside office and could hear her singing. He said it nearly brought tears to his eyes.

Then there was Dash, my practical hero. After I kept bumping my head on a stupid chair hanging in an awkward place from the ceiling (?!) he handed me a hard hat.
"Here mum, wear this!"
But did I keep it on??? Well, after a few more things fell on my noggin and I tried hard not to say some naughty words, Dash stated in an I-told-you-so manner: "Mum, I told you to keep your helmet on!"
Yep, you did. Can't argue with you there, son!

LOVING Church Kids' Christmas Play
Totally loving seeing my two up on stage. OK, not starring roles (watch this space in years to come) but very cute, dontcha think?? (Photos by Amy)

LOVING the Kids Christmas After-Party

Our awesome inspirational lovely Helen decided that the kiddies needed a good party after all their hard work. Helen is the mum of our senior Pastor, and her hubby is also the leader of our national church. She travels and speaks internationally; she's a senior leader, she's worked hard in ministry for years and is well known and respected. If anyone could be expected to sit on their laurels and not get their hands dirty it'd be her. But no. This fabulous woman emailed me and Gail and asked would we make some cupcakes to help her with the party she was planning for the kids, so the leaders could have a break. Did somebody say party???

Well, you can imagine the ideas flowed and we put together a pretty great bash for the kids, complete with Mr G as Santa (of course). Of course I am loving a party. I am loving working on it with my friend Gail and my inspiration Helen... and particularly I am LOVING Helen Monk. Talk about Christmas Spirit?? This lady is Christmas the whole year round. I am LOVING that.

Loving Small Miracles

On Sunday night I stood in Church in the front row, right in front of the stage. Big deal, you may say, if you haven't been reading me for long. Yep, it is a big deal. This is me, who couldn't even stand in the foyer once the music started just a few months ago. This is the girl who had to hide in Starbucks every Sunday to avoid the noise and crowds causing a major panic attack. As I stood there I was so aware of what a miracle this was.

The band was playing, my kids were jumping up and down, Mr G caught my eye across the kids heads and he grinned at me when he saw me smiling, from ear to ear. That's my own little Christmas miracle. Little maybe to you. But BIG for me. I am LOVING how God answers our prayers. Not always right away. Not always the immediate answer we want. But in His time, in His way.
You can read about my journey on this here.

I am also rejoicing for my friend who is having a miracle Christmas this year.  Just two Christmases ago she had to hide away from people; the pain of seeing babies was just too much to bear after so many heartaches and disappointments; seven long years worth of trying for a baby. But this Christmas??? This Christmas she is laughing, smiling, singing! She has a little boy, a precious adopted son, now one year old. And she is also 20 weeks pregnant. Miracle of miracles. I am laughing and singing with her. I am LOVING that God has made a way for her when it seemed so hopeless such a short time ago.

Loving The Unexpected...

I am also LOVING that miracles usually come to us in ways that are small and unexpected. Like Jesus. People had waited for Messiah for thousands of years. They expected a King in a Palace. Nobody would have imagined the Prince of Peace would be born in a stable!
Then the angels announce world peace. OK, so what - he's going to raise an army? Take political office? Assume the throne? No, nothing like that. And the people he gave the task of spreading the Message? Fishermen and such. So where is the Peace?? Why are we still looking for it? I was asking myself this question the other week. What were those angels on about??
Our Pastor Sam spoke about it last Sunday and a lightbulb went on for me: His Peace is Crazy Peace. Not what you'd expect... the kind that keeps your heart at rest when you are facing terrible circumstances; the kind that keeps you trusting when everything tells you to give up. This is the Peace he promised to give us.
Miracles rarely come to us fully formed. Usually it's just a tiny seed.

NOT loving so much... My list of things still to do
  • Finish wrapping presents tonight!!!!
  • Make Christmas Cookies
  • Make Jamie Olivers' Mince Pies (mmmmm)
  • Make Rocky Road
  • Glaze the Ham, Defrost the Turkey, Make the trifle
  • Hang up the Christmas cards (oops)
  • Clean the house from top to bottom

Hmmmm, so I might be pretty busy til Christmas Eve, and you know it's all downhill from there!

In the meantime I am LOVING these two cool-as fun Christmas links
You HAVE to click on this gorgeous link:
Fill in the details and the cutest most lovely old Santa will send a video message to your kiddies. Mine sat there with eyes wide and mouths hanging open as they watched theirs! Enjoy!

And if you're really really at a loose end with all your presents wrapped and baking done... have a go at this (hilarious)...

What are you loving/not loving about the Final Countdown??


  1. Lovin your final countdown Simone!
    those Christmas Santa sites are great aren't they? My kids got a real kick out of them.
    I have left a lot to the last minute (again). Got nearly all the pressies brought but alot still not wrapped and the kids used up the last of the sello tape today soo looks like I'll have to to clean. food to buy and prepare etc etc..

    I'm so pleased you were blessed with your own miracle of being able to stand up the front. awesome!! xo

  2. Great post, SO much to be thankful for! Wonderful for you to be in church and I can't wait to see Mr G's surprise...

  3. I just love everything you are loving!!!! Your kids are such cuties - and I am very keen to know about the secret present for your hubby!!

    Hope all comes together well - I've made sure I wrapped our presents early this year (and had cellotape on hand) but still have to organise the food etc.

    Enjoy the days to come - especially your parents coming!!

  4. Love the Christmas websites and especially love the look of utter amazement on Bubble's face as Santa said her name etc - bought a tear to my eye. And don't you love the little happy songs they make up as they are working away - priceless. Oh and I am really LOVING my kids hysterical giggles - so contagious x

  5. Had some tears for you....tears of joy!!! so so so very great that you were able to be where you is a miracle...they really do happen all the time, every day. And a loven' your freedom in Christ!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family Simone!!!
    blessings love and light!

  6. That's me in your post! And yes I am singing from the bottom of my heart because it's a GIRL! We are so overwhelmed that God has blessed us like this! A GIRL! A little boy and now a girl- woohoo!!!

  7. Lovely post - Yay for Jesus & his Birthday cake - that was too cute! Wrapping prezzies right now by myself as hubby has decided to dash off to the red shed to pick something out for Ethan (I have done all he shopping this year and he feels a little left out. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family!
