
03 February 2010

Twas the Night Before School Starts...

Twas the Night Before school starts and all through the house
not a creature was sleeping, not even a mouse
The children were playing on big brother's bed
While visions of mischief still danced in their heads

School bags sit waiting, filled with brand new books
Hours and hours (to cover them) it took
Uniforms hung on coathangers with care
in the knowledge that Morning soon will be here

On Scraggy! On Princess! On Dash! Off to bed!
Put on your Pajamas, Clean your teeth, I said!
Quit playing and reading and laughing you lot!
Off the bunk, to the loo, to your bed and your cot!

Mayhem erupts as the children all scatter
Dad watches the Sport, he thinks nothing's the matter!
Finally finally they're all in their beds
Can I finally get to rest my weary head???

Nope. Still got more bleedin' books to cover. *sigh*


  1. Oh this is just fantastic! Clever girl. I hope they all have a wonderful day tomorrow and you get a chance to put your feet up and rest your weary head. Meredy xo.

  2. Yep - I've been tortured with many hours of coving books too! Hope they have a great day - mine went back 2 days ago (bliss I tell you!).

  3. heehee you are clever!

    Ok got so sick of covering books by about the 12th or so that I got Gooseman to take the rest to work and he laminated them!! and it worked!

  4. Love the poem! I suspect a lot of parents are cursing the person who ever thought of covering books!

  5. Fabulous, really fabulous. You are so clever... Now tell me is it compulsory to cover books?

  6. awesome little poem. :) You could've been writing about so many homes around NZ!

    It's so nice to have them all back at school - so quiet!!

    Have a neat day.

  7. Too funny!

    I'm slack, I didn't cover any of his books! Will pay for it later though!

    Husband watching sport oblivious to it all.... sounds familiar....... :)
