
12 September 2010

Bloggy Friends All Round

It's been so great getting to hang out with Widge all weekend (and show her the reality of our Sunday morning Zoo). I dropped her at the airport an hour ago and right now she is winging her way South, back to her family and Earthquake Country. Sigh. Gee it was cool having her. (And oops she nearly missed her flight. We were shopping...)

Just as it has been great the other times I've met my other blog-friends in real life.

Plus, I just can't overstate how great it is to have blog-links with Real Life friends, like Gail, Meg and Sammy. Weekends away take on a whole new meaning, when you are both photographing every little detail. then there's the ones who move away. We are broken hearted and bereft, but consoled by being able to follow these precious friends all over the world, and keep sharing their lives. Like Sophie. And Amy.

Meeting blog friends in real life is strange and normal at the same time.

It's like a favourite picture book come to life. In 3D. With sound effects.
Familiar... and yet... not.
But never disappointing.
The reality has always been at least as good as the blog.
In my experience anyway.

Widge and I spent quite a bit of time raving on about how amazingly normal it felt to be hanging out together. Like, we already knew each other but had just not yet met.
We agreed that we now understand all those internet romances. Really. It's just not that wierd anymore.
Blog freinds once met, translate quickly into Real friends.

I have blog friends all over the country. All over the world.
A world of friends waiting to be met. A world of places waiting to be visited.
There was talk of a roadtrip to Christchurch in summer. We'll bring our tent.
We could stop off on the way along SH1... Taupo? Wellington? Picton? Any takers?? (You'll need to be prepared for a bunch of crazies though.)

And Cat. Dear dear Cat. Cat, who I wish could add comments to her blog. Cat, the leaver of "Love and Light". Somehow our thoughts kept turning to this gorgeous blog-friend as-yet unmet, but treasured by both of us. We found ourselves imagining how cool it would be for all of us to be having coffee with our little Canadian friend. One Day, Cat promises us. We really hope so. Cat you will find a huge welcome here in NZ for you and yours (OK, tears pricking my eyes now).

Before I get too too soppy, I am taking up a challenge that Sammy gave me, this morning as we had coffee at Starbucks before church. (Eeeeeh! Widge got to come to my church!! Eeeeehhh!) Sammy said, why don't we make a way to link up our stories about meeting our "blog friends" in real life??!!

Let's link up our bloggy-friend stories.

Have you met up with a blog-friend in real lfe? Have you posted about it? Lets hook up!!

I'm creating a Bloghop so we can easily find each other. And I've made a Blog-Friends button.
If you want to join in, here's what you can do...

To make all the links available on your own blog:
  • Copy the blog hop code and paste it into a post you have done about meeting another blogger in Real Life. (you have to paste it into "html" view in your post editor for it to work)
  • Link up your post to the blog hop.
Or if you don't want to add the bloghop code you can just link up here. I will leave the button with linky in my sidebar so you can add to it whenever you wish

If you want to have it in your sidebar permanently for others to find do this:
  • Copy the button graphic (right-click) and save it to your computer.
  • Create a new sidebar picture widget, and upload the button graphic to it.
  • Paste the URL address of your bloggy meeting post into the URL box.
  • Click "save".

And whenever you meet up with a blogger in real life, link up the new post!
Ahhh just a bit of fun.
Waddya reckon?
I'll go first.


  1. I have not met any blogging friend IRL yet but hope to next summer at Blogher 2011. (my goal). Looks like you had a wonderful time wtih your friends!

  2. What an awesome idea Simone - I have looooooooooooooved meeting you guys and can't wait to meet more blogging peeps in the future!!!

  3. Your weekend looks like it was such a blast. What a great reward for the week you have had!
    I am looking forward to meeting some blogging friends VERY soon.. hopefully this week or next - YIPPEE!!!

  4. aww I have met a couple of bloggy friends but I haven't written a post. They were/are very cool though - great idea :)

  5. I will link up soon - just no energy to at the mo!! Arghhh.

  6. I have met up with the lovely Sarah from Chez Lee a few times in the past year. We don't seem to get out of Welly much other than to see family at Christmas. Would love to meet the family G if you travel this way on your big roadie! :-)

    Oh and I couldn't possibly choose which blog buddy I would most like to meet, you are all up there - Simoney, Gail, Widge, Faery Sarah, Paisley Jade, Meeks, Leonie...the list just goes on!

  7. Would love to see Soph again, miss her loads...
    also would like to meet fellow crafters Eleanor and Sarah... and am more than happy to host a few Kiwis here in the UK some day :)

  8. This sounds awesome!!! :)
    Keeping an eye a few bloggy peeps I'd love to meet :)

  9. And dont' forget your 2011 meet up with Milk in Manchester!

    ps you didn't try to convert Widge did you?



  10. one day friend
    one day soon
    I promise!!!!

    great touching!

    love and light

  11. I've never met any bloggy friends IRL or even any other blogger! Although most of the blogs I follow are in the US and I'm in Scotland. One day I may make it over to a conference or something.

  12. Ahh Simone, your blog is out of control fun. Got here from a blog hop about your Indian Dinner, with fresh Naans. My kids love butter chicken too, he he, and then I got lost in your blog. There is so much fun going on here. So anyway, I am totally your newest follower, and will have to check you out from now on, as you rock girl. I enjoyed EVERYTHING so far. SO happy I found you. :)

  13. Now this is FUN! I have one friend who is a real life friend (she was that first) and a bloggy friend. I got to meet a few at the SITS bloggy bootcamp and have plans to meet a few more that live near me as time and travel permit.

  14. Hey bloggy friend...just had to let you know that I have finally posted my 5 minutes with...Simoney post! Hope you like!!!

    Thanks for being my first bloggy victim!

    Best wishes,
