
12 November 2010

My Story on Moments of Whimsy

Cate over at Moments of Whimsy has been doing a series called, Encouragement for the Journey where she shares the stories of different women who are over the hill age of 40...

This week it's my turn. My privilege, actually. Seems there is an upside to being in my forties (my birthday next week... I'll be 41... it's on the 19th... hint hint)

I sent Cate in three of my "defining" stories and asked her to pick one. She chose the one on my Journey with Depression... I've reworked it a bit, and I'm really happy with the way it came out.

If you haven't read it before, I'd love you to pop over to Cate's Blog and check it out.
Also there are a bunch of other links for the other over-40-girls who have been sharing their journeys. And if you are in our over-40 club and have a journey to share... email Cate!

Click HERE...


Once you've had a read, I'd love to hear your thoughts...

Luv ME


  1. I always hear they say, life begins at 40. But I am not sure what they really meant about it. Anyways, advance Happy Birthday! You are a Scorpio [ scorpio horoscope ] and you strong and very determined! Enjoy life and the journey itself!

  2. thanks for sharing your journey...helps me understand depression heaps more.

  3. That's so awesome Simone! Seems this is your platform and doors are opening up to share it. So cool x

  4. Am getting wonderful feedback Simone - I knew that this would touch a lot of women as so many of us (yes, I have a story too!) have encountered depression at some point.

    Thanks so much for sharing :-)

    Cate x

  5. Hey Simone cool! Glad that it worked out :o)

  6. So cool Simone - glad many more will have access to your impacting story through this. I feel left out not being in the 40's club yet ;)

  7. Simone, I have just finished reading your post over at Cate's place and had to find you to let you know that it was such an honest and beautifully written piece about depression and your journey.

    Thank you for contributing to the series because it has meant that I have been able to a] find and now b] follow you.

    Felicity x

  8. I just discovered your blog through the 40+ blog hop; it's great.

  9. are beautiful!
    i am glad to know you
    your are worthy
    you are triumphant
    you are the salt of the earth
    you are the light of the world
    you are redeemed
    you are alive
    you are strong

    love and light to you...

    (ps do you think I should join?)

  10. Hi!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and visiting the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!

    I am now following you. Please follow me if you haven't already done so!!

    I would also like to invite you to join the Over 40 Bloggers Club!! Take a look and join in the fun!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!
