
27 February 2011

From My Hidey Hole

Maybe you haven't noticed but I haven't been around.
Mind you, it looks like many of you-all haven't been round much either.
There's been so much going on in Real Life.
Tragedy and Disaster on a National scale. Followed by Heartbreak and Drama at a personal level.
It's all just Too Much.
Somehow I just haven't had the heart to talk about it.

Thursday brought a family crisis, and tears. Friday brought friends to help and support.

Saturday... still shell-shocked we took our bikes to Mission Bay and rode along the waterfront; got some gluten-free fish and chips; tried to smile and laugh.

And it worked, mostly. Something about the sun and the sea. The breeze blowing in your bike helmet and the calls of the wild...

"Mummmmeeee! My legs are sore! I'm tiiiired!"

I missed a milestone 50th birthday party that night, unable to face the crowds and spent time with a few special friends instead.
Sometimes  you just have to do that.

Be kind to yourselves (and each other).

Lay low and use what energy you have where you need it most.

So this is just me emerging briefly from my hidey hole to wave and say hello to any friends out there in the Land of Blog who may have noted my absence. I mean when a blogaholic fails to blog you know something's up, right?

And there is, but I can't say.

All I can do is ask that while you fling your prayers heavenward, could you say a word for Team G as well?
We need a whole lots of Divine Love right now, specially for our Boy.

{PS: Most of these photos were taken from the seat of a moving bike on my dinky point-n-shoot camera - I am getting to be so much more of a better bikeswoman}


  1. xx
    Missed ya alright.
    Hope everything is okay

  2. I don't know what is going on, but if you want to chat or help. please ask!!!

    Linda xxxx

  3. Of course I had noticed the lack of your beautiful writing. So sorry to hear that you guys have had such a rough week.

    Tonight, I hope these words can speak to you hon as I'm really feeling these words.

    Psalm 46.

    God is our refuge and strength,
    an ever-present help in trouble.
    Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam
    and the mountains quake with their surging.

    There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall;
    God will help her at break of day. Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; he lifts his voice, the earth melts.

    The LORD Almighty is with us, the God of Jacob is our fortress.

    Hope he can be your rock and fortress in the coming week xxxxxx

  4. to be honest I just figured you were as shell shocked as the rest of the country.
    big hugs, I will email you xox

  5. Oh Simone - will be praying alright. I just figured you were going through the saddness we all were with the quake and not blogging as much. All my love - and let me know if there is anything I can do. xoxo

  6. You know we are. Loved hanging last night - you do need to look after yourselves!xx

  7. ((hugs))
    of course we noticed your absence Simone. .
    Thinking of you, praying for you. Ever need a chat, just give me a call, although I know you have some very special friends close by.
    Take care, thinking of you.
    Hope its a better week this week.

  8. Praying for your lovely family, thank you for coming out of your hiding place, it's easy to assume folk are just busy. Now you have lots of friends standing watch until you are strong enough to come out again. Even if it's just for a hello we won't mind. We will wait xx

  9. Love to you Simoney. xo

  10. Sorry to hear you had a really dumb week :(
    Thanks for coming up briefly for air to let us know you are struggling and need our prayers - I, too, will be praying for you and your family. It sounds like you've got lovely supportive friends around you to help carry the weight of this XX

  11. Hope everything is ok, thinking of you x

  12. Will certainly pray for you all, especially your Boy... for peace, healing and grace.

  13. Absolutely, you are all in my prayers now:)


  14. Praying here also - the heart breaks when your kids are hurt. (((((((((big hugs)))))))))

  15. I have been praying for your country and now I shall say more prayers for you!

  16. neat photos
    helps getitng out doesnt it
    praying for you all esp your boy


  17. I am with you

    Love and Light
