
21 February 2011

Lil Captain Underpants

I am nervously typing as my toddler sits on the couch... in his undies.
Brand new ultimate undies, that is.

Finally this lazy mama has decided that with a third birthday looming close, I'd better get up off my nappy-lovin behind and potty-train my boy.

I was kind-of given a push by my lovely and clever friend Meg C., who is the creator of ultimate undies. She has offered me some of her toilet-training undies to try, so I can share with you all about her clever invention. Cute cotton undies, with an absorbant liner. Kind of like pull-ups but better. And cuter. And more eco-friendly.

Meg also has a website she is putting together called The Toilet Stop {still under construction - lots more material to come}. The Toilet Stop  is full of ideas and tips for toilet training. Thanks Meg! I'm sure I'll be visiting your website a lot over the next few weeks!

Oooh! I am back! Guess where I've been?
My little Captain Underpants just shouted: "Mummy I need a weeweeeeeee!!"
So off we ran to the loo.

He sat on the throne and then closed the door on me.
"Mummy you not take a picture!" he said.

Oops sorry, darlin'. The blogger in me got a bit carried away.

And guess what? He finally did a wee!!
On our third try of the day  {first two tries completely without any wee-action} followed by one pair of wet Buzz Lightyear undies soaking in the bucket.

But now, one pair of too-cute ultimate undies giving me piece of mind while he watches a bit of Dora.

So I guess it has begun. The process of unbaby-fying my very last toddler.
I'll keep you posted on how we go, and how the Ultimate Undies work out.

Wish me luck!

Ultimate Undies Website {with pricelist}

P.S. Just back from checking on Scrag's progress. Boo, he did a wee in his Ultimate Undies. This is gonna take some time. But YAY the Ultimate Undies  worked superb!  Nothing leaked through to the couch at all. Brilliant.


  1. Such a great idea Simone - all the best!!

  2. those undies look great.
    this is so the best part of leaving babydom...NO MORE NAPPIES!! WOOHOO! We have been free from them for over a year now and it's so nice to finally walk down that aisle and but nothing! :) Go scrag!!

  3. Scrag you are so cute. Toilet training in the back of my mind for Rangi...need to get motivated, previous attempts have been ok, but not as easy as Bubble. xx

  4. ahhhhhh
    the joys!!!

    love and lots of light ; )

  5. what a great idea!!
    yippee for no more nappies!

  6. Oh, what perfect timing! I'm thinking that my youngest will be training this spring or summer (hopefully not both!). These undies are adorable! How much does she charge?

    Good luck with the potty training... looks like he's off to a great start.
    BTW, made the chicken for dinner last week... YUM!!

  7. Good luck! He's going to love you for that photo on his 18th ;) x

  8. Oh cool concept! Look forward to hearing how it goes :-)

  9. Brings back so many memories of trying to potty train my boy. Good luck! (and love the ultimate undies too!)

  10. I'm trying to potty train my 4 year old son who continues to take off his undies each morning and replaces them with his pullups. time to hide the nappies I feel. Love your post! Will check out that website I need all the help I can get!

  11. Oh, he's so cute! Hope you almost done now!
