
14 April 2011

A Brief Post from Party Land

Today is Party Baking day. And Bunting day. And last minute things day in the Schedule of Party Works.

It's full steam ahead here in Party Land.
I am sitting here in my sweats, fresh from walking bus duty and cupcake baking... taking five minutes for myself in between gluing tassles on Woody's vest and cutting out bunting. Soon I will take a shower. After the cleaning/washing/slaving is done, I promise (I'd hate you to think I'll stay stinky all day).
No point getting clean clothes messy, right?

I think it's kinda funny that an introvert like me gets such a kick out of planning fun parties.
Me, the girl who freaks out in crowds, loves nothing better than to invite a bunch of noisy kids over to her house and show them a great time.
Do you see the irony there?

I love it. Love kids parties.
Love the challenge of coming up with a cool theme.
The fun of spotting bargains to enhance it.
The creativity I get to use, making stuff from bits and peices.
I think even if I had an unlimited budget I would still like to do my parties home-made.
Because I just love using my imagination. And seeing the kids use theirs.
Love to make a fuss on their special day. See them enjoying themselves with their friends.
Watch kids having fun, celebrating and being kids.

Maybe they won't notice the little details like the Rocket Juice labels on the bottles of (home brand) lemonade, but for me it's all part of making an atmosphere of fun. A party where anything can happen. Where laughter and giggling is the soundtrack.
Where you overhear kids saying to one another, "Man this was the fun-est party ever!"
I love it.

So here I sit surrounded by bunting needing stringing, goody-bags needing filling, cupcakes needing icing and a Rocket Cake needing Baking.
I have to re-think the Party Plan cos there's rain forecast. I've learnt the hard way to check the weather and have a Plan B. Now I'll be baking some Star Cookies for the big kids to ice. Setting up Miss Fab's room as "face-paint central" and turning our Dining Room into Pizza Planet.

(Do you like the sign I painted???)

I get stressed though. Course I do. Almost every party, my hubby threatens to ban parties from now on. But somehow, another birthday rolls around and I find myself here on Baking Day up to my elbows in cupcakes and bunting. My goal this party is to get through it without stressing. I am going to let go of the small stuff.

I don't need to sew the tassles on Woody's vest. I can glue-gun them.
I don't need to make signs for the food that read things like, "Meteor shower" (on the chocolate crackle) or make Deputy Sheriffs badges out of gold-painted cardboard. these are great ideas, but ones I can let go of in the interests of a relaxed headache-free marital-bliss me.

Really there is no time for blogging.
But here I am, taking five minutes out for sweaty-ole Me.
Wish me luck.

{PS Are you Party Mad? Or Party Shy?}


  1. Good luck! Great party theme, love the personal touches. It's Star Wars & Dinosaurs for us this weekend. Mr Six is sooo excited. Have a great party!

  2. MAD MAD MAD!!! and you know it!! hehe

    cant wait to see the blog post and the after party decorations next week :) Had a stack of bunting from Ben's wild west party last year - should have sent it your obsessed with bunting for parties I have a suitcase full - lol!!!

  3. Looks like you have all under control...Love your ideas and creativity! Todays party boy get a lame ol McDonalds party because two birthdays in 1 weeks is too much. I will try and make the cake more Cheese cake shop cakes for us!

  4. That's an impressive sign. Nice job! The boy for the jail looks pretty cool too!

    I used to do a lot of work for my kids' parties, but couldn't keep up with it after my 4th. was born. We have been sticking to inviting a couple friends over and doing something fun (such as a play center), having a meal (usually pizza), and a special cake. It has been SO much less stressful! We started doing balloons again and I may slowly add back in some things that I used to do when they were younger, but I am really liking not having the stress of planning a full party.

    I hope your little one has a wonderful party! Everything looks great!

  5. Fabulous - kids parties (or any parties for that matter), must rock at your place! Our Magpie has totally lucked out when it comes to having a creative mum - I appreciate it, but not really that keen on doing it. So love your pizza planet sign - your time management skills must be out of this world to manage to find time to do such cool things for your 3 children...I can cope only with one child & one blog! Have to say I kind of get your whole juxtaposition thing - hate the crowds but love the kids parties. I am starting to head that way too. Had Magpie's 5th birthday at our place last year and I loved it! Making cakes etc - not so it it's not a natural skill I have! But that could change now that you have given us all free license to borrow your wonderful ideas!!!! Have fun - I will keep an eye out for the post party synopsis!!! :)

  6. You are so creative - I am NOT! It's Lydia's 1st in 2.5 weeks, she is getting pink balloons; I figure she won't remember ;-)! At least she'll get a great cake, as I have some good friends making it and they ALWAYS go overboard!!!!!


  7. I've said it before, and I'll say it again you are the QUEEN of parties :-) Maybe you should go into business as a kids party'd be ACE!

  8. I've said it before, and I'll say it again you are the QUEEN of parties :-) Maybe you should go into business as a kids party'd be ACE!

  9. Great party!! My kids had such a good time. Loved all the decorations. Rangi especially loves his photo as Buzz. bubble has now made several requests for her birthday - guess I know who to go to for ideas xx
