
27 May 2011

Loving. Grateful. Rainy.

Rain on the roof is one of my favourite things.
Especially when I am tucked up in my warm bed.

I love it. I am grateful for the warm bed, the roof over my head which tells me I am safe.

Not so much fun is listening to the rain on the roof when you know you must go out in it.
Walking Bus duty, herding dripping children through gutter-rivers and puddle-lakes...

Raindrops collecting on your glasses, obscuring your vision. Cloud-water seeping through the shower-proof jacket which was never made for serious inundation. Arriving home soaked-through and shivering.

Moments like these you are grateful for gumboots.
At least your feet are dry.

Rainy days come to the soul too.
Blue skies cloud over. The sun hides her face. The heavens open as rain pours down.

On dark rainy nights you need a little light.
A flickering candle pushing back the dark. Unseen and insignificant in a brightly lit room, but in darkness it makes all the difference.

The smallest light can give hope on a dark rainy night of the soul.
Right now where I am its a little dark. And rainy.
So I'm taking this opportunity to focus on the light.

Grateful for these bright spots...

This boy always makes my grateful list.
The way he runs in and jumps up on my bed just to make sure I'm still there.
"You need a moochy kiss mum?" he asks. "Whaddabout a huggie-huggie? I be gentle?!"
"Mum you my fabrit friend. You my best friend mum? I love you mum."
Grateful for the bright light shining in this boy. Loving him much.
Loving the rainbows in my cupboard. Simple things to take pleasure in like a nice hot cup of tea.
And a fresh-baked muffin. I might not have done much else but I did make muffins, and they were gooood.
Loving this girl. My little champion. Next week when the rain has stopped I will share with you her story.
In the meantime I love the way she makes me smile.
Like the other day when she called out to me from the loo...
"Mum! You've got a really nice bum!"
"Yeah, when I sit on the toilet after you the seat is all nice and warm..."
Still makes me laugh.
Grateful for my man.
He is holding up an umbrella for me right now, as I stand in this rainstorm.
He makes me feel safe, loved. Caring for me and our children in the most practical of ways; he made the best chicken nachos ever!
I am loving and so grateful for my husband.
After every night comes morning.
Behind the clouds the sun still shines.
I hold onto that hope, grateful that until the storm stops, at least I know I am safe and loved.
And that is no small thing.

Joining in with PaisleyJade and Maxabella Loves
What are you loving/grateful for this week??


  1. beautifully written. thanks for cheering me up, and giving me a little bit of light in this night - it was so much needed.
    thank you. :)

  2. Thinking of you, Simoney. :) Hope the rain passes soon. xo

  3. Lol lol that toilet comment was so funny!
    Love and prayers xox

    PS & when you're feeling better let's talk about our book again!

  4. I like you Simone Graham - so thankful I kept the Parent Inc mag that featured you as a Kiwi Mummy Blog. I'd previously skipped over the article as didn't really have an interest in blogs. When I decided to set one up myself I went back and read the article. You have such a gift with words - I love how you can show how grateful you are while still sharing your vulnerabilities. You're a courageous and honest woman. I too am thankful for you that you do have little rays of light in your life, that you have a good man "holding the umbrella". Special people who 'get' you are priceless and it is good to know you have them by your side. I hope the rain passes soon but in the meantime hang in there & thanks so much for sharing!

    P.S - glasses & rain....don't ya love it! And yes the toilet moment made me laugh too - children are so gorgeous, such precious (albeit annoying sometimes!) little blessings :)

  5. Hahahahahaha - hang on a minute while I get myself up off the floor laughing from that toilet comment!

    Here's to moochy kisses, huggie-huggies and fabrit friends. I'm super grateful for them too! Even after the hardest, most challenging day my 3 year old can melt my heart with her lovey dovey comments - 'I love you so much, you so pretty and lovely and kind to me, you got really nice hairs on your legs hey Mummy' ;-) xxx

  6. This is simply adorable! You're family is great.

  7. Love Miss Fab's comments - hahaha, made me laugh so much!

    Hang onto the light and know loads of people are praying for you.

  8. I'm grateful for your post that made me smile. It really the small little treasures in life that are the best.
    xo jana

  9. hehe re the nice bum! Loving your photos and drooling over your rainbow cupboard too (oh, and that muffin). Do hope it stops raining for you soon... but in the meantime, so glad you have your Mr Strong to hold up the umbrella. xoxo

  10. Gosh I love rain! It never rains enough here. I'd love to live in a place where it rained enough for me to wear wellies!

  11. Such a beautiful post! Love your words, photos and little rays of light in the rain.

  12. Words, words, wonderful words. Poetry meets prose in the best ways today. Thanks for sharing! ♥

  13. you are amazing

    love and light

    rain on glasses....muh! lol

  14. Love the rain boots. I can't talk my kids into putting them on. lol.

  15. Awh, I loved this post. Great photos.

    Its raining in Ottawa right now too....I'm running a half marathon on Sunday, so I hope it clears up a bit!!

  16. that was a lovely post, it flowed so well, you have a wonderful way with words

  17. Hello this is my first visit here! Came over via Maxabella today. So glad I did.

    Your beautiful boy hugging his toys, what a gorgeous photo. And laughed a hearty laugh out loud over your daughter's bum comment. Too sweet! Thanks for making me smile today.

  18. Wow, what an amzing amount to be grateful for. I love the rainbows in yoru cupboard.

    Visiting from Reasons to be Cheerful.

    Mich x
