
20 July 2011

Away We Went

We've been away. A family holiday to Lake Taupo.
The weather was beautiful one day, perfect the next.
The snow gear was stashed for a mountain adventure. The swimmers were packed for hot-pool fun.
The bikes had been tied to the back of the people mover for lakeside touring...

On our way south we knew we'd be crossing paths with Nan and Grandad who were on their one-way trip to Auckland. So we arranged to rendezvous at the halfway point for coffee...

Its still surreal. My mum and dad are living in my town. They are not going home. Home is here now.

My kids will have grandparents-on-tap. I still can't get my head around it.

We waved goodbye to each other calling, "See you in Auckland...!"
They headed north. We headed south...

The holiday house did not disappoint. Such a blessing - through Mr G's work we got it for $20 a night. Views to the mountain and the lake. Electric blankets on all the beds, a gas fire, fenced yard... even an ensuite!

The first morning dawned frosty and clear. We were all ready to set off on our first mountain adventure; thermal and waterproof layers; hats, gloves, scarves...

But one look at Scrag and I knew there was no way he would survive a day in the snow.
He was coughing and sniffing, whingeing and saying, "I'm tired; I wanna go home!"
To take him would be to condemn us all to a day of misery. And make his cough worse.
So I made the sacrifice.

And sent the kids off with daddy while mummy and Scrag stayed in by the fire.

They had a blast.

It was too bad that Scrag was poorly for the whole holiday. Wouldn't you know it?

His fevers kept returning each night, his hacking cough keeping him awake.
He'd fall asleep by 6pm, refusing to eat, wanting only to stay close to mama.
No way could we drag him to the snow.
No way could we immerse him in water, or strap him to the back of a bike.

He would have loved it up that mountain, sledging and sliding, making snowmen and having snowball fights. He'd have loved seeing the lake from the back of daddy's bike; playing in the warm thermal pools, whizzing down the waterslide.
I would have too.

Never mind. Luckily I took a nice thick book with me to stave off the worst of endless Diego.

At least the views were good.
And the sun was shining.
And the kids were coming home smiling and laughing, having had great fun with their dadda.
Biking. Hot-pooling. Watersliding.

So the sun has set on another Team-G adventure.
Scrag still coughs, though it no longer wakes him at night.
He has lost so much weight, we can no longer call his thighs chunky.
As we headed out of town, we stopped by the park with a miniature train ride.
Daddy and Scrag went off on their own adventure, three times round the track for two bucks.
Scrag came back skipping. He might have missed out on the big fun but he was content with his train ride, bless him.
Who could begrudge caring for a sweet little guy like that?

And that's how the first few days of the winter school holidays went for us.
May the rest of them be fever-free.

Click here for Miss fab's story about her day at the snow over on her blog...

How are your holidays going?


  1. Stunning NZ!!! So cool too about you mum and dad moving up!

  2. so beautiful! i love the pictures. hope your boy is all better soon! x

  3. Awww, the sacrifices we make as mothers, but we do it out of our unconditional love. So sorry you couldn't get in on all the action, but the scenery is still so beautiful (I love Lake Taupo) and so great to hear of the smiles on your big kids faces. And loved hearing of the happy train ride at the end for Scragg x hope he gets his strength back soon and enjoy having grandparents round the corner!!!! x

  4. wow, it looks gorgeous. Hope your wee boy recovers fast! and enjoy having your parents nearby, its bliss I tell you!

  5. YAY for a great(ish) holiday! Stink that you got stuck inside though :-( But YAY for parents living in the same town! I'm blessed to have both sets of grandparents round to help out with babysitting!

  6. Bummer - if I remember right, last time Miss Fab was sick when you went away!

    Hopefully the NEXT family holiday will be sickness free for you all!

  7. What a blessing to have the grandparents in the same town! Looks like you had a blast. I haven't seen that much snow since I was a kid growing up in Chicago... sledding was amazing!

  8. Beautiful pics - you were missed in blogland! Didn't you get stuck at home with a sick child on your last holiday? Feeling for you but grateful that you are a bookworm and had a good book!


  9. cool!!! excuse the pun lol

    thought I might try to take the boys an hour or 2 out of Napier along the Napier Taupo road next week and see if we can find any snow

    lotta bugs going around at the mo

  10. Oh poor Scrag!! So glad he's better.

    We were in Lake Taupo this time last year (well, end July, but close enough) and it's just beautiful there.

    And the grandparents have moved closer! Awesome!

  11. Aw poor Scraggy, not much fun for him. But sounds like you were able to make the most of the holiday in spite of it all! What amazing weather and scenery xx

  12. Yay for winter time fun, but poo for sick child. This year I've bought us all season passes to the mnt (to reclaim some of my prekid pre marriage days) and we've just started teaching our 3 year old to ski. Wow..what an adventure that has been! This week the mnt has been gorgeous. Enjoy the rest of your holidays.

  13. O poor little Scrag. At least you got some good book time. Hope he's all better now xx
