
01 July 2011

Loving... and Not Loving (but still Grateful)

Its a crispy winter morning here at my house in Auckland New Zealand.
I sit at my computer grateful for my dressing gown.
Loving the sunshine pouring into the room, warming my fingers as they tap the keys.

I love, of course, my very easy-going happy-go-lucky three year old Scrag.
We awake to his singing and stories, huggie-huggies and moochy kisses every morning.
Love that.
But every silver lining has its cloud.
This sweet sweet boy is so laid back he just does not care to toilet train.
He is three. He knows what to do. He just can't be bothered.
This morning he emerged wearing undies. I thought, Great, maybe he's getting interested at last.
I reminded him what to do. We visited the toilet together and had a successful wee.
I walked away thinking, I'll remind him in half an hour, just to be sure...
Well. He walks into my room not twenty minutes later and says, "Mummy change my pooey bum!"
Arrrggghh! Poo in undies!! The worst kind. The reason I have stuck to pull-ups.

You can bet we threw those disgusting undies away. And put on a pull-up.
Wet undies I can do. Pooey undies? Nuh-uh.
I am so not loving toilet training.
And lack of interest on the part of my boy.
The other two kids had been in undies for over six months by this age.
Arrrgggh! I've tried sticker charts, stamps, bribes, time-out, losing privileges - what else is there?
Until he makes up his mind to do it we will be pull-up people.
Cos I am not prepared to scrape poo off undies.

There. I feel better now.
I just had to get that out.

Right where was I?
Oh yeah, loving, grateful - it's that time of the week.

I do have so much to be grateful for.
Grateful for a new medication which I was told I wouldn't be eligible for.
Grateful that I found a Doctor who would prescribe it for me and go into bat and get me funded!
Just two days ago I found out that I have been approved - my new much better medication is all ticked off.
I am soooo grateful - you have no idea.

This medicine hasn't even fully begun to work and already I feel clear-headed, calmer.
Oh and bonus: it does not make me put on weight.
Which means that now I have begun to lose the weight that was only there because of my old meds. I can zip up my boots easy peasy!!! And I even had energy to go for a walk around my mountain.
Oh I am loving that.

What else?
Sunshine, yep said that. Dressing gown, yep.
Coffee? Fruit toast? A Quiet house? Fridays?
All of the above I am loving and grateful for.

Loving hearing Dash giggling with his Dad. Loving seeing them snuggling on the couch, watching them tease each other playfully. Love that we have come through the rough patch better than we were before.
Grateful for the promise I held onto: "Great will be your children's Peace..."
Grateful that there is One who keeps His promises. And works miracles in unfathomable ways.

Loving my daughter.
Sunshine and thunderstorms, she is a girl of polar opposites.
Oh my goodness when is good she is amazing. Intuitive, kind, responsible, caring. And so good at tidying up. So helpful.

But when she goes off, she really goes off.
The whingeing sounds like a staccato machine gun.
The wailing, an air-raid siren in your ear.
Its like handling dangerous explosives at times.
She turns seven at the end of this month. Seven!
I was looking at her last night and thinking back to the moment the ultrasound technician said, "You're having a girl!"
The way my heart leaped, tears of joy spilling over.

So grateful I have a daughter. She's so different to me in so many ways, but similar in others.
Seven is a whole other world. I mean she actually looks eight already, she's so tall, but seven.
Not a little kid any more, a fully-fledged big kid.
Does it ever scare you how fast the years are racing by??

Well I think thats' all from me this week.
I have been on a blog-diet. Bloggy-Lite.
Trying to blog only when the kids are not here. Oops breaking my diet right now.
Better run, I can hear Scrag. Hoping its not another pooey one...

{As always, linking up with these Lovelies...}



  1. Great idea about the bloggy diet! I need to do that too.
    Im with you on the toilet training. Hate it to bits!

  2. I'm loving knowing that my honey has taken the car today so he can get home early and send me to bed. Looking after sick kids when I'm sick too... not loving that. Nice to see your happy beautiful pictures. Better get back to the couch now! x

  3. I can't believe how much Scrag looks like Miss Fab! I mean, I know they're siblings, but it seems that as Scrag gets older he and Miss Fab become more and more similar :)

  4. We had the same issue with toilet training with My Boy. We just had to wait it out. One morning, when he was four, he decided he was ready and voila, he was. I've had several people tell me that boys take longer to "be ready" than girls, and that seems to be true, from my experience!! **hugs**

  5. "Sunshine and thunderstorms"... LOVE THAT!!! Totally describes my daughter too.

  6. YUP at Sunshine and Thunderstorms - totally describes Tsunami!
    Philosopher and toilet training - man oh man - what a head doer iner that was! I tried at 3.5 yrs and it took AGES and AGES and one day he just got it ::)) hang in there honey .. .. .. Tsunami and toilet training - well - 19 months old did it in a week herself! What is with that? Polar opposites my kids!
    Agree - I think winter has come to Auckland at long last ::)) and it is so nice with the sunshine peeking through -
    What isn't nice is the measles outbreak in West Auckland GGGGRRRRRR

  7. Being a teacher and having to toilet train kids - I completely understand that pooing in undies is throw out material! Literally!
    But it does take time; from my experience, making them 'go to the toilet' and 'be a big boy' doesn't necessarily help. they will in there own time! And this is coming from a teacher who worked with a kid for nearly a year trying to make a difference! I even did my uni research project on toilet training!! x

  8. Hi friend! Yay for the meds! And yay for pics of Miss Fab (awww)

  9. Oh wow - that's fantastic news about the new medication - I bet it literally feels like a 'weight' off your shoulders. Sending lots of positive vibes your way.

    I hear you on the toilet training thing. I found the more I harped on about it the worse it got. Then I stopped and she started asking me if she could wear knickers, if she could wear no nappies to bed etc, and presto - she did it. Plus I also had one of those annoying friends that I am sure messaged me EVERY day skiting about her 2-months-younger-than-mine daughter had been night trained for MONTHS before mine was even day trained. Eugh! I wouldn't worry - I'm sure he won't be 18 and wanting you to scrape the poo off his undies (well here's hoping anyhow!) and maybe that's the trade off for having such a gorgeous, beautiful natured boy?

    Love that Dash is such good buds with his Daddy. Just makes me think I need to get back on that pregnancy wagon and try for a boy one more time...

    And gorgeous girly full of life, spunk and fireworks. This morning I accidentally hit juice while peeling a mandarin for mine - can you imagine the scene? Almost as bad as cutting sammys into squares, not triangles. Seven is a BIG girl. Gosh - seven. I am sure it will come before long, but at the moment THREE is scary enough!

  10. ive been on a bloggy diet too...its amazing how much I have knitted, read and cleaned...and BAKED!! wow.

    I would just let the toilet training rest for a bit. I discovered with my three they are all completely different. First in knickers from 2, My boy was 3.5 I think and the youngest was three too...well that was a big drama...when I thought I had it sussed.

    Have a great weekend gorgeous gal!

  11. oh and I totally throw away pooey knickers!! no WAY am I washing those!! eeek

  12. oh and I totally throw away pooey knickers!! no WAY am I washing those!! eeek

  13. Yep, I've had my fair share of pooey undies! Def would have a break - my 4 were all so different, and the relaxed personality ones I found got it better around 3-3½.

    So happy about the new meds and just love your amazing pics. xoxo

  14. ooh what a beautiful family i have ahhh. cant wait to see you all in the
    Hope Scragg is toilet trained by then!!!

  15. Ahhh I'm guessing "anonymous" is granny Winnie???!!
    I'm doing all i can Grandma! This kid is just not coopertaing... ahh but he's so happy and sweet and lovely...
    You won't mind if he's so perfect but just has this one little thing for pull-ups willya??

  16. I'm loving your photos! And I've been trying to do the blog diet, too... with variable success.

  17. What gorgeous pics and beautiful writing. x

  18. Gorgeous pix! You have plenty to be grateful for.
    But feeling for you on the toilet training thing. I hope it works itself out soon for you. xx

  19. Your pics and gratefuls are all so beautiful.

    The toilet training thing is a hassle for sure. I have heard with many, many boys that the poo thing takes longer than the wees. But how many poos could a kid do in a day? I would definitely stick with the undies. Buy a whole bunch of cheap ones - they Wong cost a lot more than pull ups anyway, would you believe. Notice the time of day he poos and put him on the potty until you see some action! Good luck to you both but you will definitely get there! x

  20. Your pics and gratefuls are all so beautiful.

    The toilet training thing is a hassle for sure. I have heard with many, many boys that the poo thing takes longer than the wees. But how many poos could a kid do in a day? I would definitely stick with the undies. Buy a whole bunch of cheap ones - they Wong cost a lot more than pull ups anyway, would you believe. Notice the time of day he poos and put him on the potty until you see some action! Good luck to you both but you will definitely get there! x

  21. just found you through Maxabella, beautiful blog and photos xx

  22. Visiting thanks to Maxabella. So much to be grateful for! Such beautiful words and photography.

  23. Those photos are gorgeous! So are the people in them! Lovely grateful :)

  24. Oh I just love, love your photos... have you done any Photoshop lessons on your blog? I am off for a search. they are gorgeous. Lovely post. I have three sons and a little girl, so glad to have that little girl.

  25. Its amazing how fast they grow up - can't believe Miss Fab is 7 already!!

  26. Brilliant about your meds and love this post xx
