
08 July 2011

What I'm Loving on A Rainy Day

Woke up this morning with a jet plane crashed into my head.
At least that's what it felt like.
I rolled over, tucked the blankets under my chin and willed the world to go away.
Head, face, neck aching, I moaned to my hubby, "I'm not weeeeelllll..."
A kid elbowed me in the spine. Another kid kneed me in the stomach.
How do these kids find their way into our bed every morning?

Bless my Man. That guy I love.
Him, I am grateful for.
He booted those bony kids out of our bed and shut the door on the world for me.
While he breakfasted them, chased them into clothes, jackets, boots.
Scraped together lunch boxes from empty cupboards and drove off into the rain with them.
Leaving me with tea and toast. And Panadol.

So now I am sitting here warm and dry.
Thanking Heaven for a man like that.
And that's all I have to say on this rainy cold wind-ridden day.
Loving That Man. Grateful for That Man.
Blessed and lucky am I, to have one such as He.


{Photos snapped the other night; a glorious sunset}
Linking in with my favourite linkies:



  1. Oh what a good man!!!
    Get better soon hun! xxx

  2. Oh yes, we do have good men don't we! Get well soon my dear.

  3. bless your hubby

    theres a lot of bugs around at the mo
    we all have coughs,colds, sore throats and Billy has a tummy bug

    get better soon

  4. ohh yes, gotta love a good husbie!!

    xo em

  5. hope your feeling better Simoney
    this scene sounded so familiar to me...except it was my mom who would wake with the migraines
    but it was us kids who got ourselves out the was already gone to work....
    I am loven' your hubby too!
    have a lovely weekend

    love and light

  6. That is lovely that you have such a caring hubby ( I'm lucky too ) Get well soon :)

  7. Go Mr G. Sending you a high five!

    Get better soon friend. And feed your kids on some taro.

  8. So lovely of your man xxx I hope your day ended well .. .. .. I woke up with Mr 5.5 in my bed too - how does this happen?

  9. Hope the panadol kicked in quickly! x

  10. Oh, i'm a headache girl, it's so annoying. I know when my husband is away & i have a migraine, getting 4 children off to school is hard work on my own (25km from school) but i know once they are there, i have 6 hours to recover & prepare for pick up. Get well soon, love Posie

  11. Oooh, bless him. He is a keeper. Hope you feel better soon. P.s. Love your shots here... xxx

  12. Oh I'm so sorry that you're not well. I hope you're feeling 100% again soon. It's great to hear you're being so well looked after :)

  13. Hope you're feeling so much better. This reminds me that we shouldn't have to be sick to have a day like this. Now wouldn't that be nice! x

  14. Oh that was so nice of him, I hope you are feeling better soon if not already! x

  15. Good to have support or actually essential but too many mums go without it. Also good to thank our men from time to time as it is all too easy just to complain about them. Get well soon

  16. Simoney, I hope you get better quickly! I'm loving my man today for very similar reasons. I have a cough. He has been helping me rest. What more can I ask for?!
