
19 August 2011

Wishin' I Could Show You All the Things I'm Loving...


I have a camera full of photos.
Photos of Scrag baking... {he loves baking; I love baking with HIM}
Photos of me and Lyns Making awesome blingy badges for our Bloggy get-together tomorrow... {I love doing stuff with Lyns; we love that there's a bloggy get-together tomorrow}
Photos of scones Lyns made... {Love it when friends bring baking warm from the oven...}

Photos of me and Scrag making gluten free pizza bases from scratch... {love that they were delicious and my family said they were better than bought ones}
Photos of my linen cupboard. Martha-Stewart-tidy after a whole week... {love her cool tip for stacking sheets sets}
Photos of Scrag whipping my butt at the Memory Game... {love that he is so SMART}

So you see, my friends, I have so much to love!
So much I want to share with you!
But life is calling to me...
a movie night awaits...
Popcorn must be popped and fun must be had with my family at the end of another zoom-fast week.

I'll be posting my feel-good lovin pics as soon as life lets up.
You know how it is.
After all we are mothers first, bloggers second, aye??

Have a super-cool Friday my friends!



  1. Well done for putting the movie night first Simone! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am shocked to see a photo free post from you (in the nicest shocked way) and I LOVE that it is because you've got family movie night with popcorn xxx
    Have a GREAT family night - enjoy xxx

  4. eeek Meet up tomorrow!! 'insert nervous smile here' :)

  5. Photo free - and see, it's still good!!!

  6. Aye! We are mothers first. I am, in the moment ignorant of the time difference between NZ and the United States. Hope that movie night is/was a good one.

  7. Happy times for you - feeling the love!

  8. So wonderful, at least you got a post up. I 'thought' about doing one, but had the same 'time' issue in putting up the pics. Great that you've had a good week and looking forward to reading about your blogger meet up this weekend! Have a wonderful time!

  9. Loved your list - you are such a good mum (and was sooooooooooooo good to catch up today!!).
