
26 September 2012

Guest Post: Nikki Dreams in Magical Malaysia

Introducing Nikki from Life's Wonderful Happenings: Since right now I am away from my desk somewhere deep in the heart of China, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce you to  my friend Nikki. Nikki is a gorgeous young twenty-something teacher from Wellington who is currently on her OE in London. Along the way she is experiencing the magic of travelling to other points of the compass, most recently a life-changing trip to Malaysia. Nikki's photos are always beautiful and quirky; her words often poetic. I've gotten to know Nikki behind the scenes of her blog, as we email encouragement to each other. Once she even sent me some chocolate all the way from London when she heard I was having a rough week. She's a sweet soul, and I hope you'll leave her some comment love (and maybe visit her blog and even *follow*...?)

Now here's Nikki...

I want to dream. I want to immerse myself into a magical land.

A land where you can tiptoe across the bridge, in the hopes that it will remain a secret; 

and as you reach the end, your tiptoes quickly turn into skips as you approach the tree, 
ready to take the force of the endless possibilities in a new realm...

Once you're through, they're there waiting for you. 
For you to perch on their wings whilst they guide you around this new land.

First stop is collecting the leaf of life.

Once you have that, you will be able to drink all the happiness, love and wisdom you need. 

The special wands? They're there to help fight off baddies; the anxiety, the stress, the worry.
The baddies disappear with one swift swipe, and erupt into beauty.

Beauty that makes us stronger.
Beauty that wants us to be loved and to love harder, and be happier than happy.

The journey isn't over yet. It's only just begun.
But this is a slice of what I want my safe place to look like.
It's my safe place. call the shots. I make the rules.

It can be a long road, but lets make it a good one; a positive one; an empowering one. 

It's whatever you want it to be. 

And the best thing of all? 
You can stand up at the end and say I did it


Beautiful. Thanks Nikki!

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