
03 December 2012

A Heavenly Weekend (literally)

I could tell you that my weekend was heavenly because it began with me buying a Smartphone. With the help of gift vouchers and a fab 2Degrees prepay deal, I got myself a Samsung Galaxy Pocket and started downloading Apps galore. 

As you can probably tell, one of the first things I installed was Instagram, which I have been drooling over for years. I know I am probably a coupla years behind the times, but it is so much fun to play with...

(I'm "greatfun4kids" if you want to follow my snap-happy Instagram-ness)

I could also mention that we got ourselves a genuine pine Christmas tree, which is filling the house with the heavenly piney scent of Christmas...

But as great as all that is, it's not what I mean by heavenly...

What I mean is that I actually spent my weekend in Heaven. Literal actual Heaven... 
on a film set.

Not just any film set, not just any Heaven... this is the Heaven of my Christmas Story come to life in a studio. Created by the geniuses who gave us The Christmas Story (which went viral on YouTube).

This year they're making my story. Out of all their script options, they picked mine. MINE! Just thinking about it gives me a warm choked-up feeling of pure JOY.

Not only are they making my story into a Christmas film (to show to 10,000 people at Glow and potentially millions on YouTube) but my kids got to take part too. Two full days of filming. Seeing what was once a story scribbled on a page come to life, complete with feathered wings, candy floss clouds and an Angel warrior Dojo. It's AMAZING. It's gonna make you smile, and laugh, and maybe even get misty eyed. one thing's for sure, you'll have goosebumps.

I spent almost the entire weekend in a glorious rush of goosebumps. Not just seeing the delicious creativity and whimsical cuteness of everything, but the way the people on set were responding to the story. Kids and adults alike. 

"I never stopped to think about how crazy the whole Christmas story is, I just took it for granted how it happened..." one person said to me. 

Exactly! This is what I love about Christmas, the illogical genius of God's ways, how he catches us unawares and takes us by surprise, not coming in power and glory but in humility and weakness.

So in every possible way this weekend was Heavenly. And I can't wait to share the movie with you on December 16th.

  • Get my Book here. Order it now and get it in time for Christmas... (plus $10 off your book by entering code GIVE10 at checkout)
  • Get GLOW tickets here (December 16th at Vector Arena, 6pm. Tickets $5; all proceeds go to KidsCan. It always sells out so get you tickets early!)

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