
25 October 2013

My Book "An Unexpected Christmas" (2nd Edition) OUT NOW

This is what I've been working on. The Second Edition of my Christmas Book, which I started months ago, long before I got sick. Only now -this week, today - have I finally finished updating the layout and design. It's now available on Blurb ON AMAZON!!!
*Sigh* Yes I'm still stuck with Blurb I have self-published through CreateSpace and my book is now available on AMAZON at a much reduced rate. Wahoo!

I love the new version of the book.

[this angel belongs to Hannah and Byron]

I have simplified it, keeping the feel of the original but eliminating some of the fussiness.

I've gone with the simple idea of "angels" - and now they are not all my own offspring with wings attached. I've "borrowed angels" from some of my friends, who supplied me with quirky photos like this one.

[this angel belongs to Remaliah]

I've simplified the fonts too, made it cleaner, but still just a little off-beat, like my story.

[the angel on the right is my adorable Spanish neice]

Scragger is still there, of course. the story hasn't changed, or the main characters...

I just found better images of my Warrior Angel, and my Wise Angel...

[This photo was taken by Meg; I've properly photo-credited everyone]
Here's a preview of the whole book, so you know what you'll be getting:
(this is what the book looks like on Blurb; don't buy it from here - buy it from AMAZON (much cheaper).

You can also download the eBook version (for iPad only) for $US3.99
It will shortly be available on Kindle. I will keep you posted.

Phew. I did it. Now to go and order a copy for myself, and the friends who supplied their angels for me.

The profit I make on each book is small, but there is immense satisfaction in knowing that people around the world are reading my story to their kids this Christmas.

So if you like the look of my book, please share it (and I'd love to hear what you think).

P.S. Readers in New Zealand you can order the book directly from me to save on shipping. I have a limited number of copies and they are going fast. NZ Order form HERE

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