
17 March 2014

Loving Lately... (some goodness from my week)

Monday morning and all's quiet on the Western Front. The cyclone that was meant to ravage our shores took a detour and never eventuated (surprise surprise) so although the weekend was wet and windy, it wasn't too wild after all. No power cuts, no downed trees - at least not in our neck of the woods.

This morning, despite having no milk and nothing exciting for the lunchboxes, I managed to get all children to school by 8.15am, fed and watered (after an emergency run to the dairy) and ready to go with no shouting of any kind. Some kind of a Monday Miracle.

So as I sat down to gratefully sip my coffee (with milk) I decided to take a wee detour from the invitation orders that came in over the weekend and reflect on the goodness in my world over the last week/weekend as a nice way to start the new week.

The first bit of goodness is Miss fab getting her cast off - wahoo! She still has another two weeks being careful (no cartwheels, no monkey bars) but at least she can shower. Ha.

Next, there's my kitchen revamp project which is crawling along slowly. I am LOVING my upcycled dining table. Lo-ving.

Look at the difference a bit of white paint makes. Before, the table disappeared in a sea of woodenness. Now, after a rough sand, a coat of "smooth surface sealer" and a topcoat of semi gloss (waterbased) enamel, it's a joy to behold. It lightens the whole room. L.O.V.E.

I also loved braving the "cyclone" on Saturday with the family who were desperate to get out of the house. We crossed the Harbour Bridge in those gale force winds, to pick up a new set of drawers for Scrag in our people mover. Then we headed for "Temping Bowling".
At the last minute (just before the last city offramp) I remembered that there was a new place open right in the city, Metrolanes, so we took the exit and rocked up. They have a cute little mini-bowling mezzanine floor, where you have short lanes and little balls and it feels like you have your own private bowling alley. What's more there was no waiting list for the mezzanine mini bowling, so we gave it a go. And Loved it. (Mr G whipped all our butts and I *ahem* did my best to come last. I'm nice like that.)

On Sunday we had lunch with friends and I Loved watching Dash snuggle their baby so tenderly. I whipped out my phone and snapped this moment. Dash Loves babies, and it warms my heart.

Later on that wet and windy (but decidedly non-cyclonic) Sunday we resurrected the Singstar for a bit of a laugh. It's been ages since we've played, like, years.
We got the PS2 and Singstar back when Miss Fab was a baby, and I have to say it's been great value.
I Loved listening to the kids belting out old classics, taking on their dad (and me). Mr G has a weird ability to sound awful but still win. Our Singstarring is not always tuneful, but it's always a good laugh and we all LOVE it. I think we might be reviving the SingStar on a regular basis now we've remembered that we have it.

Our crazy rock-the-mic-like vandals family. Flippin nuts (in the best loopiest way). Love them.

That's a few of the thing's I'm loving lately. What are you loving? (And did the cyclone affect you at all?)

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