
30 October 2015

A Bit of Shameless Self-Promotion - My Etsy Shop

Greatfun Design Etsy Shop - raising funds for Children's Garden orphanage

Childrens Garden in Manila will receive all profits paid by Direct CreditDid you know that I design and sell personalised party invitations on Etsy? No? Well I do, and I thought it was about time I updated you all on some of my new designs - as well as the exciting news that MY ETSY SHOP IS NOW NON-PROFIT.
I have decided to donate 50% of the proceeds from my shop towards the work of the Children's Garden in Manila, after my recent trip there. It's something small I can contribute to this amazing work.
So now when you purchase one of my designs, you're also helping feed and clothe orphans and street kids in the Philippines.

28 October 2015

Confessions of a Lazy Mother - Party Edition

Confessions of a Lazy Mother - the Party Edition

I'm terribly sorry if I have misled you all - that was never my intention. I'm a little worried that some people may be under the mistaken impression that my children lead a charmed life full of whimsical tea parties, theme dinners and picnics; a life full of jolly fun, a magical memory-filled enviable childhood. Because after all, this blog was called (until very recently) "Greatfun4kids". And wasn't it all about having fun with your kids? Wasn't I meant to be some kind of role model for an impromptu fun-filled life?

No, no, no. If you thought that, I'm sorry but you have me pegged all wrong.
While you may have imagined that the person who could pull off a party for no reason at the drop of a hat must be exceedingly energetic and well organised in the domestic department - and while you may have been under the impression that my kitchen always smells like fresh muffins and every dinner is themed - nothing could be further from the truth. I am anything but energetic. I am more often boring than fun. And I only bake when I have to.

20 October 2015

Loving... NOT loving...

Jasmine in Spring

Golly gosh it's been years since I've written a "Things I'm Loving"post. What better way to get back on the blog-horse than with a random collection of life's moments, right?
Because when it's been so long and there are so many stories piled up that you want to write, you have to start with the easy ones, just to get the ole ink flowing.

First up, I'm loving jasmine.
It's everywhere down my street, and when I'm walking past hedges of the stuff, I can grab a bunch and fill my home with the smell of spring. Every time I walk in the front door, it hits me. The sweet sunshiney smell of jasmine.

12 October 2015


Hi. Well, as you know it's been a while.
School holidays, black dog, etc.
I'm just popping in to let you all know I'm still alive and will be back blogging when I've got my head straight.

In other news, I've got a story popping up on Esther and Friends any minute now...
Appropriately, it's "Walking With a Limp." And yep, I sure do.
Limping today, but still walking...

much love