
18 March 2011

Loving Loving Loving

Loving Smiles.
Especially gap-toothed dimpley ones.
Loving that this smile is because...

...we were about to play a family game of garden football, and little sister is so excited to be in her brother's team.

It's a serious business. We must win at all costs.
Of course there are always tears. but I am still loving
Family Garden Football.

Loving hugs. And brothers.
Loving that Dash gets to interview an All White this afternoon thanks to Kiwi Mummy Blogs and Persil.

Loving that the football season is starting again and Dash can just ride his bike around to the training ground.

Loving the Toileting Adventures of Super Scrag.
This guy is unbelievable.
For months and months, not a scrap of interest in being a Big Boy.
Then three days ago, I put him in undies, not expecting anything more than puddles on the floor.
And what does he do?
He figures out when he needs to pee.
He takes himself to the loo, and does wee after wee after wee.
All day. In the same pair of undies all day.
The only accident was at the door to the toilet when he couldn't quite make it in time. Bless.
Then yesterday he does Number 2's. There is dancing in the toilet!
And last night? Last night I heard a little voice at about 10pm.
And there he was. His night nappy on the floor, dry.
He is standing blinking in the light having woken himself up to go pee pee.

I am all for waiting til they're ready. Man. This is too good to be true.
GOOOooo Super Scrag!

Loving the Parenting Place.
{Loving that I get to hang out here with the Lovely Lyns and Delicious Rangi}
Great coffee. Delicious food. Super cheap prices (cheaper and McCafe).
Toys for the kids to play with and stacks of space to spread out and run around.

Loving this beautiful rocking horse handcrafted.... the legendary parenting guru, Ian Grant, himself. Can you believe it? Amazing.

Loving that I got to shake hands with Ian!
And say, oh I am writing for the magazine... did you read my stories?

And that he said, yes Mary and I loved them. Thankyou so much for contributing.


The Parenting Place is more than just a cafe. They have family coaches. And workshops. And a cool website with webinars and tips.

Visit the Parenting Place online here or the Cafe at 300 Great South Rd, Greenlane.
I'll meet you there for coffee.

Loving Mrs Readalot's new Bookclub!
Blog Frog have made it possible to embed their "communities" right into your blog. So you can join Mrs Readalot's online bookclub without having to leave this blog.
Thanks Blogfrog!
Mrs Readalot has been given some great book suggestions and she is just about to dive into "Red Lotus", which she will review when she is done. Want to get hold of a copy from the library and join her in reading it? Think of the book-talk we could have!

Join the Book Club here

Loving Blog Stuff
See these two blogs pictured here?
I designed them for some friends.
I am feeling proud of myself and loving the designs.
Also loving the new blogger gadget "follow by email".
Thanks Blogger.

And loving playing around with frames in Photoscape. Love Photoscape.
{download it for free here}

Loving new webfonts - and finally found one I love for here.
And there was one more thing...
Oh yeah. I figured out how to put a post divider in. I had to fiddle with the html and everything.
I love my new post dividers.

button2That's about all for this week.
How about you?
What are you loving lately?? ♥

{Join in with PaisleyJade here}


  1. Hey thanks for the tip about the new blogger button... sorry I am such a lurker on your blog - I always read your posts though and enjoy them very much - I'm glad you love writing - it shows! Ann x

  2. i love the parenting place too! did a sleep course and a solid food course with my coffee group - oh and a first aid one and they were all SO great!

  3. I don't even know what a post divider is! Do I need one? Perhaps for my birthday? Teehee. I love the super serious big kids before their soccer game.

    I'm loving that I turned from grumpy/yelly mum to proud mum over the course of an hour this morning. The grumping was trying to get out the door to school and the proudness was watching R get the assembly bear (for best sitting and paying attention in assembly)m and then M getting a principals certificate. Ahh much better now. I need two star plates!

  4. Love every single thing you listed - man I love your posts!! So hope I can pop into the parenting place oneday - sounds fab!! Your web design is so awesome!!! p.s who one the family soccer game?

  5. Woop! Go Scrag, go Scrag! Awesome effort on the toilet training. We waited until Bean was good and ready as well, he was trained in 2 days (still resisting night training though). And it took my breath away how much Miss Fab looks like you in those photos! Beautiful mama, beautiful girl. PS I am heading up to Auckland soon, before we fly out to Australia. Coffee? What do you say? Feel like meeting a random Internet stranger? hehe

  6. love love love

    what can I say...really
    you are a dream
    and love that parenting place!!!!

    love and light

  7. wow those blog designs are amaaaazing!

  8. Loving all of that. Your creativity blows me away Simoney!

  9. You are just one big ball of love!!!! All those things are so cool and I am waiting for when they do a PP down our way. I think Chch could do with one! How beautiful are your children - delish!

  10. I am loving Miss Fab...tell her she can come and tell Auntie Sammy her woes anytime and get a snuggle!
