
16 March 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Siblings

Sometimes you have to pull out the old photos and give yourself a dose of warm fuzzies...

Remind yourself that there was a time when your kids adored each other, played together, shared stuff with out squabbling and shouting, "No trade backs!"

Tell yourself that This Too Shall Pass. They shall once again be Best Buddies.

Once she stops annoying him. Once he stops teasing her.

He will discover that she is amazing. Generous. Kind.
She just wants him to like her.

She will discover that he is lots of fun. And he can look out for her. Protect her.
He just wants her to respect him.

They will be close again.

Laugh together. Play together without it turning into a tug-o-war power struggle.

They will need each other when its their turn to go out into the world.
They don't know that yet, but they will discover it.

There's nobody who will always be there like a sister.
There's nobody who has got your back like a brother.

They need each other.


  1. Love love the last pic. Gorgeous!

  2. So darn cute! I think some of my favorite times are when I am able to capture the relationship between my kids.

  3. Oh yes - I remember my parents telling me that in frustration when we'd been arguing heaps... never believed them then, but it's so very true!

  4. Still the 15th here in California. Nice wordless Wednesday. Yes, we keep telling our daughter and son, who couldn't be less alike, that they need to be nice to each other because eventually, they'll want an immediate family member to count on. As they move through their teens, I see hope that they may end up liking each other again.

    Saying hi from SITS!

  5. what great pictures of your sweeties!!!! oldies but goodies are always the best :-)

  6. Beautifully written (and gorgeous pics, too!)

  7. Very cute - I think I need to remind myself that for two of mine at the moment too!!!

  8. **love** these. So sweet. Nothing better than sibling love. Happy WW!
