
07 September 2012

Making Me Smile

Look at them, all lined up in a row. One, two, three. My babies.
When I saw them sitting at the table like this I just had to grab my camera and snap this simple-but-sweet moment. 

See the little one on the right? That's Scrag. He dragged his chair around from the sitting at the end of the table so he could be beside the big kids. He slid his mat and bowl right up next to his big sister. Being near them wasn't enough. He had to be right WITH them, alongside them, the same as them.

It makes me smile to see the way he loves them so much and looks up to them. It also brings a smile to my heart that we are still benefiting from Dash's Great Breakfast Idea. Mornings have never run so smoothly (most days).

Spring flowers are also making me smile. These freesias are picked from my garden, my favourite.

The scent just oozes *sunshine* and brightens my day. Love it.

This is my paper brain. It is saving my life. I'm completely rubbish with diaries, but I love a good To-Do list with boxes I can tick off. So satisfying.

My Paper Brain is a book of To-Do lists. No dates or calendars, just pages and pages of lines and boxes i can fill in and check off in my own random way.

I've also signed up for Remember The Milk, an online To Do list.
I can schedule things like "clean the bathroom" and "go for a walk" and it will send me email reminders. Between Remember the Milk and my Paper Brain I am attempting to conquer my To Do Lists in Style.

Also making me smile and putting a glow in my heart is the Charity Song from Flight of the Conchords called "Feel Inside (and stuff like that)"

These guys are my favourite Kiwi group - have you heard them yet? Really, any of their clips will put a smile in your day, but this song is something special. They collect a bunch of lyric ideas from children for a song to raise money for  CureKids... the result is so so funny. What makes me laugh is seeing the other Kiwi artists trying to keep a straight face as they sing the words (like my other fav, Brooke Fraser). It's hilarious. I've shared the shorter version of the song here, but you can spot the extended clip on PaisleyJade's blog.

(To donate to the CureKids charity go here)

That's just some of what's making me smile this week. How about you?


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