23 May 2011

Welcome World - It's my SITS Day!

Apparently it's not an Urban Legend.
SITS Days really do happen! And here it is, happening to me. (Or at least it will be once it gets to be Monday in America!)
For those of you in the dark wondering what the heck I am on about, SITS is a fab Blog network with the idea of comment support. You sign up, meet new bloggers, leave comments... and wait for your turn for a SITS Day

Women OnlineA SITS Day is a wonderful thing. Lovely SITSah bloggers visit you from around the world leaving you lots of commenty love. Your tiny little blog down under gets exposed to a wider audience. Your inbox overflows. Your followers expand *hint hint*
{here's the SITS Post About Me...}
So here we are! My very own Moment in the Spotlight.

I'd better make the most of it... *ahem*


Let me introduce myself...
I am Simone, living in a three-ring circus.
Mother to three clowns, married to the Ringmaster. Life is a Rollercoaster, sometimes fun, sometimes you want to scream. Or hurl. But here we are.
You can read more about our nutty bunch here...

When I heard you were all coming I did a bit of tidying up, getting things ready for your visit (after I screamed and did a little happy dance, that is).

I worked on my pages; made sure you could find my Best Posts, my Tips & How To's, Parenting Stuff, my introduction to New Zealand and all the rest.

I'm coming to you from Auckland, New Zealand; a tiny island nation tucked away at the bottom of the South Pacific. Small but beautifully formed, as they say. Read more about our slice of paradise here...

I think there's something for everyone here.
I'm party mad. So there's stacks of party ideas. I even have a Party Linky so you can link up your party posts. It's open all year round.

I'm a blogaholic and love making blogs pretty. Do you like my home-made design? I share my blogging tips with you here.

I love meeting bloggers In Real Life; I'm yet to meet one I didn't like. Luv the blog, luv the blogger, I say. I've got a linky for Real Life Bloggy Hookups: You can link up here.

I'm not crafty, but I am creative. So I share my lazy easy shortcut tricks on making cute stuff here...
I am mother to three firecrackers; not a librarian among them. My parenting stories are here...
I'm a lazy cook - so my favourite recipes are tried and true and easy to do! My daughter is gluten intolerant so there's even an allergy section. You'll find my recipes on this page...

But in case you might be mistakenly thinking that I am some kind of put-together SuperMum, you should see my washing pile. My unwashed dishes. Or check out my Depression and Me page. I battle the black dog. This blog is one way I keep him at bay. You'll find my posts on that and how my faith gets me through here...

If that wasn't enough I'm also a ravenous reader. My bookish alter-ego Mrs Readalot has started a Bloggy Book Club. You can read about that and join in here...

Have I done enough for a comment? Or a follow??! Go on. It won't hurt a bit!
I hope you enjoy exploring my little corner of the blog-world.

{PS Since today is already Monday in New Zealand and I have no idea what time Monday is in the States or when my guests will be arriving, I'm posting this early, just in case. I like to be ready when company's coming. Gee I'm really hoping for some new followers. Do you think they'll like me? Shhh, Simone, your insecurities are showing. Snap out of it and make a pot of tea. *smile*}

PPS: Hello Lovely SITSahs! You have arrived! Now somebody asked me in a comment, how many new followers so far? Well, before my SITS day I had 361. So you do the Math. Wanna help me make it past 400??? That would be sooooo great. :)

FOLLOW ME ON Facebook // Twitter // Instagram // Bloglovin //


Renee said...

Happy SITS day!!! Once again lovely words, useful links and awesome pic to boot! I've found so many useful bits n pieces on your blog and I'm sure I haven't even got knee deep yet so can't wait to see what else there is to find. And that link you sent me through yesterday re: spirited kids - well that deserves a comment all in itself - but that is SO my daughter - I sat here reading it out loud to my husband 'oh no - listen to THIS part!' - I've ordered the book hoping it'll save my life too xxx Have a wonderful day in the spotlight, I hope that teapot is yours in real life. My Nana always says a cup of tea is good for your soul - and I think that pot would make very good soul tea ;-)

Weza said...

eee exciting stuff girl. love the tidy up, and yes i agree, that tea pot is happiness happiness happiness.. enjoy your day in the spotlight. xxx

Sima J said...

Well done you! VERY nice tea pot .. after having a cup at yours I have been on the look-out for a teapot like that! :-)
Have a lovely comment-y day :-)

meg said...

YAY! I hope it's all you hoped it would be :o)

S and family said...

Wow! I couldn't believe it when I saw that this was your SITS day! Congrats! Now, sit back and enjoy the praise...!

Simoney said...

Hahaha, I just checked the World Time clock and wouldn't you know it? I am soooo early for my party. It's still Sunday night there! There's HOURS to go before the post about me is up on the SITS website!! LOL. I should have checked the times before posting. Ahhh well. ♥

Carey Morris said...

How could they not love your blog! I love the tidy up you've done and have done some on mine after reading your how to post. I love how you have a balance of personal stories, family and your creativity posts. Its hard to find a balance sometimes.
Happy SITs day and enjoy the luuvvve!

Sophie said...

Looking great Simoney :) Love all your phots, gives a great idea of how much fun your blog really is!

LatteJunkie said...

Happy SITS Day. :D

Lyns said...

Happy SITS day...will you still talk to me when you're world famous?? xx

Playcentre Journal said...

oh YAY!! (This means that someday, somewhen, my day will come, too!!) Happy SITS Day, Simone! (will us original followers be lost amongst all the newbies who discover that you are as wonderful as we know you are?)

Broot said...

Um, er, that is, what Playcentre Journal said. (LOL wrong account!!)

Unsolicitedious Rebugger said...

HI Simone happy SITS day - gosh the blogosphere is a big wide world of connectivity eh! Lovely post BUT I really came on here to say what a FANTASTIC article you have written for the latest Parents Inc mag. Those 10 moments are ones that I am certain every honest mother can relate to. You have a fabulous way with words so keep it up & keep them coming! Btw, I ADORE Ian & Mary Grant...everything they say makes sense. LOVE their Growing Great Marriages book - wish every couple would read it & apply it. Have a fantastic week. :) P.s WOW that your blog design is homemade - gosh you're clever!

Simoney said...

Its now the end of May 23rd NZ Time. My SITS Day hasn't started yet. Cos over in the US of A it's still Sunday 22nd. Or the wee small hours of today. So I was really really ahead of the game getting my welcome banner up. Feeling slightly silly. You know that feeling when you throw out a party invite and nobody shows?? Shame. It's OK Simoney; they're still comin' they're just a day behind! LOL.

Karen@WaistingTime said...

Happy SITS day! I'm still trying to decide what the difference is between crafty and creative:)

Anonymous said...

Love at first sight! That's me and your blog! I stopped by from SITS and I also LOVED your about me page and look forward to reading more. Congrats on your special day!!

Katherines Corner said...

Enjoy your day, happy SITS day. I'm following your lovely blog. Hugs!

Lizzie said...

Just stopping by from SITS - love your blog!! Just gonna check out your book club :)

Jenny said...

Grats on your SITS day :D

Tracy Wilson said...

The world is really rather a small wonderous place still, isnt it? Loved your photography- especially the fact that you are self taught. I am as well.

Life in the "circus" looks pretty darn good:)

The Woven Moments said...

Happy SITS day! What a beautiful blog you have. Sounds like you are having great fun down under. :) Can't wait to read more!

Robin said...

Congratulations on your SITS day. I hope it is everything you've been wishing for.

Off to read more.

Suzanne said...

Just wanted to tell you how much I love your photos and the look of your blog! Congrats on your SITS day! :)

Yes, you warranted both a comment and a follow! ;)

Losing Brownies said...

Happy SITS day!! I love it when I see people I read featured! Its so exciting to see a familar face and get to know you all over again! Congratulations on your day!

Unknown said...

I love, love, LOVE the way your blogs looks, feels and reads. I just LOVE it when SITS points me to a blog I know I'll cozy up to and read every day!! It's a rare thing for me to snag a button for my own blog on my first visit, but I'm gonna do it!! :0) Happy SITS day...I'll be seeing you again soon.
Abby :)

Angie said...

Happy SITS day! You have such a beautiful and inspiring blog!

Shell said...

Yay for your SITS day!

KDC Events said...

Congrats on your SITS Day! So excited to look around =)

Alexandra said...

Your photos are stunning and full of life! Hope you have a great Sits day. Here in Puerto Rico is 10:18 am on a Sunny Monday Morning!

Jacki said...

Happy SITS day!

Kristin @ What She Said said...

Happy SITS Day! I clicked over to read more about your love of writing and musings on depression depression since we have both in common.

But your site! It's such a beautiful, colorful menagerie, and I just don't have time to explore in depth today the way I really want to. So, yes lady, you've earned yourself a spot in my Reader! :)

Kerri said...

This site sounds great - thank you!

Unknown said...

What a cute site! Welcome to the States! Can we come visit? Happy SITS day!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day! I love your blog design...so cute :) I'm following you now, I'm always looking for more fun for kids.

Hope you have a great day filled with lots of visitors and comments :)

Coolest Family on the Block

Trianna said...

Congrats! I love that you said that your blogging is a way to "keep the black dog at bay." I can say the same for myself. I don't talk about my depression. Not even with my family, but my blog is what I like to call my Happy Place.
I think you're a fabulous woman and I'm totally in love with your blog. I'm a new follower! Coming by from SITS.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Love your blog. I'm sure I'm not the only one!

Selena and Anna said...

Happy SITS Day!! What a wonderful blog you have and your post was so great. I actuall read the whole thing and LOVE the tea pot at the end. I LOVE TEA:-) Looking forward to going and exploring some more:-)

Coretta said...

Happy SITS day!! I love weddings and social events - particularly when they have that main ingredient - FUN!! Congrats on your day!! I'm recovering from my day (Stella & Dot Jewelry Launch Party) last night.

LBDDiaries said...

Can't wait to dig into your gluten-free recipes! And check out your posts, pictures, and how-to ideas! Great post! Happy happy SITS day - may you gain many new followers.

Just Me said...

Have a lovely sits day! I am now a follower on twitter as well!

Tammy said...

HAPPY SITS DAY GIRL! :) Love when I see my favorites get their day. Enjoy it and I love all the pics. Your family rocks it! :)

Nancy Davis Kho said...

Happy SITS Day - after a 2009 visit to your fair country I am inclined to adore everything and everyone Kiwi, so glad SITS brought you to my attention. Will be stopping back frequently especially to visit the Life in NZ posts and daydream about my return...have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE your blog. And I'm saying this JUST from your about me page and your SITS post! LOL But just from reading those two parts of your blog, it is one of my top favorites for sure. And I don't come across many blogs I can say that about. :) Not that there aren't so many wonderful blogs out there, but you know, some just rise above the others. Yours is one of those.

So to avoid offending or hurting the feelings of other SITstahs, I will comment as an anonymous SITstah....

Everyday Mama said...

Happy SITS day!! Love your photos and light-hearted outlook on making everything FUN. That's what being a kid is supposed to be about. Looking forward to following your adventures as your newest follower. Love New Zealand!!

Dawn said...

Enjoy your sits day!
Your blog is new to me, I'm looking forward to checking it out some more.
I love your book club idea.
Have fun!

in bed with married women said...

It's my first SITS day too. Looking at a post, at least. I hope you've noticed that your Kiwiness lets you have an extra long day of glory. Congratulations, girl.

Jayme @ Runner-n-Spice said...

I love your blog!! So much to read! I think I've just spent about 25 minutes reading stuff around your blog :)

Happy SITS day!!! Looking forward to reading more.

Mary @ Redo 101 said...

Whoot! It's your SITS day!!!! Congratulations. Love love love your blog and your heart! Thanks for sharing with us, I'm off to read more of your posts!

Mary @ Redo 101

Rachel said...

Happy SITS day!! I mean, I love your blog, thanks for sharing with us! :) Congrats and enjoy the love!
-Rachel Lynn

Trish said...

Happy SITS Day!

OMG! Yummy said...

Oh I can't wait to visit New Zealand.

Congrats on your SITS day. Thanks for sharing the post about your worst mothering moments. I had one this morning - it's tough to pick myself up and keep smiling right now. Your post helped! Hope you are enjoying your big day.

Young Yoga Masters said...

Have a happy SITS day. Luckily for me I have lots of time to look around today because it's a national holiday in Canada. All the best.

Snuggly Monkey said...

Happy SITS day!! I love your blog - so cute. I love our bloggy book club idea too. I'm about to go and read a bit more about that. Have a great day!

Mama Up! said...

Happy SITS Day! I feel like we have a lot in common and look forward to really reading around some - getting ideas and inspiration and such.

● C E L I N A ● said...

Happy sits day! I am excited to poke around and see all you have to offer.

I love how you edit your photos!

♥ theMRS.

KatBouska said...

I'm insanely jealous of your picture taking skills. You are a rock star my friend.

Tina @ Girl Meets Globe said...

Great blog! Lots of things for me to check out!! Happy SITS day!

Rach said...

Happy SITS Day!! Super cute blog. I love how many things you are interested in (from your About Page) :)

Deidre said...

Happy SITS day! I love finding new blogs to read in the Southern Hemisphere (I am an American living in Australia - so we're practically neighbours!).

Your blog is fabulous and I am already off to check out your blogging tips.

Itsme. said...

You sound like a good time. Glad I found you. And it certainly looks like a happy Monday for you...er...Tuesday? Or is it Sunday there now? Definitely Tuesday...right? I can't even do the math between Central time and Eastern, I could never comprehend a whole day! Lovely blog. Lovely writing.

Far From Perfect MaMMa said...

Aotearoa! Happy SITS day from your state-side friends. I love all things NZ. Especially Auckland. Give it some love from me. Would love to hear how many new "followers" you have and how it helped your inner voice. Love the blog, design and can't wait to look at more. Nice to meet you Kiwi SITSah!

jenn said...

happy sitsday!

in texas time it is half past six p.m.

and yes, i am following you, because i LUV you and your blog. so glad to meet ya!

jenn said...

oh, and it's still monday, here. :] so you've got a few more hours yet.

Pinkim said...

Congrats on your SITS day! I just stopped over from there and you have quite a place here...you do a great job and I am sure that you will be seeing that 400 mark...Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink

Shan@FamilyBringsJoy said...

I'm glad to know it's not an urban legend. ;) SITS is awesome and I have found wonderful people through this fabulous network, this now includes you! I will be able to find wonderful stuff here! Wish I could hear your cool accent! Maybe you need to do some vloging? :) Have a super day!

Niki said...

Congratulations on your SITS day!

Sorta Southern Single Mom said...

Happy SITS Day! You've got so much going on here... I can't wait to check it all out! The SITStahs go global... I mean, I know they already have, but your excitement is contagious!

Krista said...

Woohoo! Happy SITS Day from the US! You have some fun and yummy looking food. I like the green guy with eyeballs. I bet his eyes are delicious.

You have so many fun pictures of your fam as well. =D

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS Day! You have such a pretty blog...great job on the home-made design. I love that you keep it real. :) Looking forward to reading more!

MamaRobinJ said...

Yay for SITS day! I love New Zealand - would visit any time but it's a long way from Canada ;)

Brenna @ Almost All The Truth said...

Happy SITS Day! You have such a fun blog, with lovely photos and fantastic ideas! I am definitely going to have to come back in a couple of months when I plan baby girl's birthday party. :)

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

Happy SITS day!!! Great blog, I just became a follower. I'm goin to have a look around some more...! (I'm a blogaholic too)!

Heather said...

Happy SITS Day!! I am stunned by your organization and togetherness! You are all kinds of awesome.
I am a new follower!

Semper Wifey said...

Congratulations on your SITS feature! :)

AdriansCrazyLife said...

Hi Simone. I didn't realize your SITS day was right after mine. Thanks for coming and visiting my blog all the way from Kiwi-land. I just saw the Biggest Loser contestants there a couple of weeks ago and it looked so beautiful there and seemed to have such great people. I'd love to come and visit, if only you weren't clear on the other side of the WORLD! Anyway, hope you enjoyed your SITS day and got a ton of fun comments from all our awesome SITS girls!

Tisha Matthews said...

Happy Sits day! Congrats!

Your photos of your family is beautiful.


Unknown said...

Woohoo, lady! It really does happen! Awesome and fun for you, Simone. I was so excited when I saw that you were the featured blogger!!!! I hope it was fun and that you got many more followers! Who wouldn't want to follow you? XO

Amy @ babybabylemon said...

Happy SITS Day!

The Flying Chalupa said...

What a lovely little space you have here! Hope you're enjoying your moment in the SITS sun. Bravo for tackling your depression head on - writing is such a great outlet, isn't it?

Of Pandas and Pirates said...

Happy SITS Day! I'm looking forward to following your blog. :)

Terri said...

I might be late, but a cup of hot tea for me please:). Loving your blog.

PatriciaD said...

I adore your blog...can't find where to follow yet though I'm sure I will. I want sooooo badly to visit Australia and New Zealand. I love to travel and that's my next big place to go. But for now I just arrived back in Alaska after a 20+ year absence and am enjoying taking tons of photos and stuff - you can see at my web site if you're interested. Congrats on your day...I know I missed it but I wanted to come check it out late anyway.

PatriciaD said...

Ah, found the GFC section...maybe it just was taking it's time loading, and I'm enjoying a nice hot cup of tea while I surf...have a great day!

alicia said...

Yah for your SITS day girl. You have more than earned it! But I would say you are crafty and creative. Always love stopping by!

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