About Me

Welcome to my little corner of the Blogisphere; I'm so very glad you dropped by.  Let me introduce myself properly... 

About Me
i'm Simone

...Mother, Writer, Dreamer, Book Lover, Human Being.
I love to tell stories and share my struggles honestly but with hope.

Here on my blog I have always shared failures as well as my successes. (I usually learn by messing up.)

I'm not any kind of expert, just a fellow struggler like you, sharing my journey on this rollercoaster called Life and Parenting.

Through blogging, I rediscovered a love of writing that I have had since childhood, but had briefly forgotten. As I write about my ups and downs and what I've been learning, I hope to make your way a little easier and encourage you with the knowledge that you're not alone.

This blog began all the way back in 2008 and captures vignettes from everyday life through the years. It has evolved from being a record of my kids' doings and sharing fun ideas on an almost daily basis, to being a place where I come to share what is burning in my heart, as the inspiration strikes me. I don't post very often these days, but I hope you'll still find something I've written here to encourage or help you.

where i live

I'm blessed to live in one of the loveliest places on earth: New Zealand. My antipodean viewpoint colours who I am and how we live (relaxed, laid back, take us as you find us). The first nine years of this blog were written from a 1920's bungalow in Mt Albert, Auckland, which I loved to DIY. Since mid-2019 we've been living in a 1940's Art Deco cottage in New Lynn, with a brief stint in a new development in Avondale in between.

what i write about

I write about the ups and downs of parenting and motherhood and what I'm learning along the way. More recently, you'll also find stories on life after divorce and figuring out how to sole-parent. Those stories here.

Quirky is the norm in our family - you'll find all my stories on our journey with dyslexia and ADHD collected here.
I have loved sharing my kids' parties through the years and now have quite an extensive collection (along with how-to instructions and free printables). Please take the ideas, use them and make them your own. Check out my parties here.

Everything I cook or bake is easy but yummy. I share my tried-and-true favourite recipes, many of which are gluten-free and/or refined sugar-free. Recipe collection here.

There's nothing better than getting stamps in your passport, even with kids in tow. Find our collection of travel adventures, both at home in New Zealand and abroad here.

I decided right back when this blog began to share about my struggles with mental health so others would know they are not alone. I write about getting through depression and anxiety, which I've battled for years but have become better at managing.  I also write about the faith that gets me through. Read about my mental health journey here.

who's who

My offspring are Dash (18), Miss Fab (16) and Scrag (13). This crazy quirky bunch have quite often been the focus of my writing, particularly in the early years.

The kids were only aged 5, 4 and 9 months old when this blog began but as they're getting older I have had to be more careful what I share about them. 

We have a mixed bag of quirky personalities with ADHD and dyslexia in the mix. Add to that the teenage years and sole parenting and you have a giant learning curve.

The beloved furry members of our family are Clyde and Indie (our rescue doggies)... where would we be without them?

NOTE ABOUT THE NAMES: "Dash", "Miss Fab" and "Scrag" were childhood nicknames. Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

What I write About
get to know me

My Part in the Story (The Miracle of CLS)
Depression and Me
Taking the Long Way Round
Beating the Black Dog
Twists and Turns on the Rollercoaster
From the Ashes
My Journey into Te Ao Maori
The Oxygen Mask Principle
It Turns Out - I'm Not Over

and all the other stories I've written about Myself...

thoughts and confessions

Ten Cool Things About Motherhood 
Ten Worst Mothering Moments
Confessions of a Lazy Mother
The Lazy Mother's Guide to Defeating Drudgery
Detours, Road Blocks & Getting there Eventually
The Upside of Imperfection
Flying a Kite is a Bit Like Parenting
"The Days are Long but the Years are Short"
The Perils of Thinking Straight
Dyslexic Brains are Good Brains Too
In defense of Ritalin (and ADHD kids)
My Two Cents on the Christian Response to Gay Marriage
After 17 Years as a Mum Here's What I know

connect with me...

You may choose to remain an anonymous reader. Fine by me. But if you want to connect with me, here's a few ways you can do it...
  • Make my day... leave a comment!
  • If you don't want to miss a post, you can "follow" me however it suits you: on FacebookPinterest, or Instagram
  • If you're shy you can email me (I promise to reply unless you're trying to sell me something)

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