Hello lovely blog-readers.
I am determined to be better sooner than later and hoping to get some blog posts out this week (at least two, including this one)... depending on how long I can sit here at the computer without my hands and feet going tingly and my body getting shaky and nauseous. I miss blogging. Mainly because I miss being able to tell stories. So much to say, so much to share.
I thought since today is Monday I will knock out a grateful post, because I have so so so much to be grateful for.
I am first of all grateful for all the prayers. People all of the world were praying for me. Guillaine Barre can be very very nasty; my hubby knew someone who was in hospital for nine months. The doctors were amazed by the "dramatic turnaround" and said "maybe the prayers worked". 36 hours after they were all set to give me the plasma treatment, they sent me home. There was no nerve damage and I don't need any physio. Thankyou to everyone who prayed for me. You were part of a miracle.
Secondly I am grateful to everyone who has supported my family practically, with meals made with love and playdates. I am able to do little bits but it leaves me shaky and weak, so you have no idea what the meals have meant to us. It has given poor Mr G one less thing to do. Each and every meal has been nutritious and delicious. We are all infinitely grateful.
Two people in particular need special mention: Firstly, Sophie from the Sisterhood, who has coordinated all the meals from Christchurch. What an amazing thing the Sisterhood is. Sisters all over the country supporting unmet sisters in need.(My Auckland blog friends apparently needed no cajoling to sign up to make us meals, which is so heartwarming to hear!) I urge you to check out the Sisterhood and see how you can get involved. It's a wonderful thing, and I'll be grateful forever. I am blown away by the real love and support for me and my family, from our not just the blog girls but also our church, family and local community.

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Gratefully Yours,