I love spring. It's so full of hope, expectation. The world starts shrugging off grey and putting on colour.
Sunny Spring days are the best. No humidity (or humidity hair), no sunburn... just sunshine, warmth and hope.
Today also happens to be the 13th anniversary of our Engagement. Thirteen years ago today Mr G summoned up his courage, took a deep breath and asked me to marry him on Karekare beach at sunset. O Fateful Day. Where would I be now if I hadn't said yes? I'd be poorer in every way.
Yesterday was also Father's Day (usually accompanied by much stress but this time, happily happy).
The kids and I went shopping (ugh) on a Saturday (double ugh) and come home with their purchases declaring: "This is going to be Dad's best Father's Day EVER... aye mum?"
You know what? I think it was.
Mainly because the kids were so into it. And there was no squabbling or whingeing (which is really just what every parents wants isn't it?)
At church the kids took over the service, and Miss Fab was assistant to the MC. Hilarious.
My spotlight lovin little girl also took over the kitchen two days in a row and made pancakes (the shake-in-a-bottle kind). Who doesn't like pancakes?
Of course there was plenty of smoke and pancake splatter all over every surface, but don't you love a kid who tries?
Anywhoo, today I have a rather epic headache (brought on on Saturday from all the noise at the mall, lulled momentarily by the arrival of spring, returned with a vengeance upon the arrival of Monday)... so i am going to get off the computer and go find a sunny spring corner to chillax in, while I can.
Here's my grateful list:
Grateful for spring. And sunshine.

Grateful for kids who know how to show their love and appreciation
Grateful for budding chefs, and pancake breakfasts
Grateful for Good Fathers. the kind that stick around, even when the going gets rough at times.
Grateful (again) for SPRING!
Now it's your turn: What are YOU grateful for today? (Leave a comment, or use the hashtag on Instagram/Twitter and/or link up a blog post in the linky)
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Gratefully Yours,

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