My day did not really get off to a great start.
Things began to go pear-shaped when we couldn't find Scrag's balance bike minutes before I was due at the corner for my Walking Bus Duty.
After Miss Fab changed her shoes twice at the last minute the final nail was in the coffin. We were so late I missed the Bus. Shame.
Growling and scolding I drove the kids to school. Miss Fab was weeping on the back seat.
To make up for my growliness I agreed to park the car and walk her into her classroom.
Cheered, she took Scrag to play on the playground while I went to see Dash's teacher.
A stray soccer ball rolled towards me. I wish I had let it be.
But instead I went to kick it casually back... tripped over it with my two left feet and faceplanted right in front of twenty of Dash's schoolmates.
A bad word slipped out. {Don't worry it was only "S**T"}
My knee stung, my palm was scraped. My pride was wounded.
I stood up, brushing myself off. Embarrassed but pretending not to be.
Until I looked up... and came face to face with The Principal.
Yeah, not a great start to the day.
So I am due a dose of Love and Gratitude.
A growly cursing clumsy mother with a house full of unmade beds and dirty dishes.
That's me!
So what good things have I got to be thankful for today?
Thankful for Poo.
Yes I am. A poo just made my week, actually.
If you've been reading me for a while, you'll know that my three-and-a-half year old giant son Scrag has refused point blank to be toilet-trained. No matter what we did. Even Grandma couldn't get him to cooperate.
So yesterday I am in the dining room holding an icepack to Miss Fab's injured head (after she landed on it when she fell out of a tree) when I heard noises in the toilet.
Which usually means that Scrag is helpfully "cleaning" it, or playing "Flush the dunny paper".
"What are you doing in the toilet, Scrag?" I call.
"DOING A POO!" he calls back.
Say whaaaaat?
Next thing I hear "PLOP".
The most beautiful sound in the world.
He really was doing a poo. In the loo. Just like that.
He has finally decided to be a big boy and is right now wearing undies.
Loving the Inappropriate.
I just have to tell you this one.
The Scene: Dining Room, Breakfast.
DASH: Mum did you know that In the Night Garden is not appropriate for little children?
MISS FAB: Yeah Mum, its not, honest. Because Upsy Daisy kisses Iggle Piggle on the lips. That's just not right.
ME: Well maybe they are like, brother and sister?
DASH: No mum they're not. They look totally different. Iggle Piggle is blue and he sleeps in a boat.
MISS FAB: Yeah and Upsy Daisy is brown with rainbow hair and she sleeps in a bed, so they are not brother and sister and they shouldn't be kissing. Its just not appropriate for little kids!
Not appropriate. Hehe.
Loving Pinboards. And Bear Grylls. And Parties.
Been sucked into Pinterest yet? It is addictive, but in a good way.
Its not necessarily (just) a time waster. It can be a force for good.
Like my Survival Party Pinboard. I am collecting ideas for Dash's Bear Grylls: Boy vs Wild party next month. A Pinterest Party Board is a fab way to collate ideas.
I have also been loving creating a Bear Grylls party website. Collecting clips of Bear for use at Dash's party. The plan is to use the laptop on a wireless connection and play the boys the clips before they have to do crazy stuff like eat worms. Hehe. Not really.
Anyway you should totally check out my new website with all the Bear Grylls clips. I even found a whole episode of Bear in New Zealand. He so rocks. This is going to be a crazy party!
Terrified of the Tweens.
My child is going to officially be a Tween in less than a month. Nine years old.
I am totally freaking out. Totally questioning my parenting.
Worried that we have made so many mistakes with this boy. Worried that we are running out of time.
Anyone else know what I mean? Any words of advice for this terrified mother of an almost-tween?
Right. That's all I got time for.
I have a friend dropping off her daughter in ten minutes.
I have a beginner toilet-pooer in undies.
I have things to do.
But mostly I am really really glad to be home.
And linking up with my two favourite feel-good linkies...