Mrs Readalot is all in a dither.
A new Bookclub host is meant to begin their turn running the Bookclub linky tomorrow, but our scheduled bookclub host has opted out (no time to read - what is the world coming to?) and Mrs Readalot has failed to confirm an alternative. She was too busy galavanting around China, I guess.
Not only that but she purposely purchased "The Alchemist" from Book Depository, so she could read it for October's BookClub (hosted by Leonie). The book arrived. She read the book.
But did she write the review? No she did not.
Slacko Mrs Readalot.
Mrs Readalot, what will you do???
Aha, cunning Mrs Readalot. She has come up with a plan.
We will host BookClub right here this month... Mrs Readalot can share her list of recent reads including "The Alchemist" (since Christmas is approaching and books make excellent gifts).
And if she hurries, she can just squeek in on time to link up with Leonie before October runs out.
(Can you believe it that November is almost upon us and Christmas fever is already starting??)
Righto. Here we go.
Mrs Readalot's Recent Reads:
THE ALCHEMIST by Paulo Coelho: "This story is about an Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who travels from his homeland in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure buried in the Pyramids. But what starts out as a journey to find worldly goods turns into a discovery of the treasures found within." This is a smallish book, in the style of an allegory. Mirroring Santiago's quest for the treasure there are some truths about life and it's purpose hidden within the story. It's not really one of those books you gobble up and can't put down. I found myself reading a little, digesting it and returning a few days later for a bit more. I didn't absolutely love the book, and I'm not really sure what the hype is about, but for those who like their books gentle and slightly deep, this might be for you.
I give THE ALCHEMIST: ♥♥♥♥♥

A RESPECTABLE TRADE by Philippa Gregory: I am a huge fan of Philippa Gregory's books; it's historical fiction done brilliantly. Great characters, rich in detail, factually accurate... I have learnt most of what I know about Tudor England from Philippa. With "A Respectable Trade" she has turned her attention to the slave trade, during the late 1700's, paralleling the stories of an African man kidnapped by slavers, and the gently-bred wife of the slave ship owner. This was both a fascinating and moving read. I had never before realised the absolute devastation the slave trade had on Africa, and it's far reaching effects. The book is not preachy (preachy is not Philippa's style) but oh my goodness does it make you stop and think. I absolutely loved it as would most fans of historical fiction.

PEARL OF CHINA by Anchee Min: I read this book just before my Chinese adventure, as I wanted to get my head "in the zone" and Gail had recommended this one. I loved it. The book tells the story of a friendship between a Chinese girl and her foreign friend (who would go on to become famous author Pearl Buck). Based partly on historical fact and partly on some intriguing guesswork, this book gets us inside the lives of women during the greatest social upheaval China has ever known. Although the book is a novel, I found myself entranced by the author's realistic style of writing. I fell in love with the characters. I had a glimpse into the soul of China. Even if you aren't fascinated by China like I am, you would love this book if you like great characters, heart-tugging realism and a well-told story.
I give PEARL OF CHINA: ♥♥♥♥♥

The ROSE TRILOGY by Beverley Lewis: I read these books during my stay in China. Gail offered them to me with the disclaimer: "want some light fluff to read?" Sometimes easy reading fluff is just what you want. To be transported to a place where life is simple, people hold quilting bees and barn raising and obey their ma and pa. I thoroughly enjoyed my escape into Amish-land. The slower pace of life with it's community focus appealed to my old-fashioned soul. I can't say I'd like to do without telly (or heavens, the internet) but my goodness those people eat well. Yum yum. Homebaked everything. These books would make a great gift some someone who would like to escape on a fluffy cloud for a few days. Very light reading (and I couldn't help wondering if "Lily" from Cold Case had posed for the cover pictures, dontcha think?)
I give THE ROSE TRILOGY: ♥♥♥♥♥

I'll be back next month with some more great books for your Christmas lists. Including one by ME. Yes that's right, Mrs Readalot is in the process of publishing her Christmas book. More details to come...
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If you are a keen reader, we'd love you to join in with our bloggy bookclub.
How it works:
- Book Club members take turns choosing the Book of the Month and hosting the linky
- You can choose to read & review either the Book of the Month or a book of your choice
- Anyone can join in the linky fun - you don't have to be a signed up member
- Members are kept up to date via email, so nobody misses their chance to link up or host
- Linkies go up on the host's blog at the beginning of the month and remain open all month
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(December Book Club will be Hosted by Sarah Meyer from Sarah Says...)
Sign up here to become an official member and linky host
(December Book Club will be Hosted by Sarah Meyer from Sarah Says...)