It's hot. Summer hot. The weatherman predicted rain for the weekend, but the opposite happened, for which I am truly grateful.
Summer has landed on the shores of NZ a week early (it's officially still spring) and Auckland is basking in the heat. The air smells of cut grass and growing things and there was not a drop of rain to spoil Dash's birthday weekend.
Aside from being grateful for the weather, I am also grateful the birthday party went off, and that Number One Son had a fab time with his friends. the party post will will be coming on Wednesday - once I figure out how to get the photos off my camera. Which is just not cooperating lately, despite having a brand new memory card installed. Gah. Oh well. Maybe Santa will be kind to me and bring me a Cannon.
(Ha! Who am I kidding? Maybe I'll sell enough books and I can get one myself. Ha! Who am I kidding??!)
Which brings me to The Book, which has also landed on the shores of NZ. I'll be writing out envelopes and mailing books just as soon as I finish this post. So if you bought one, keep an eye on your letterbox the next couple of days. And if you didn't, you have until this arvo to win one (along with a CD "mix tape" of my fave christmas songs and maybe some bonus gorgeous wooden christmas decos from PopRoc Parties).
I'd be loving it AND grateful if you'd enter. And/or buy my book. Just sayin. (ENTER HERE, QUICK! four books to be won; open to NZ, Aussie and Overseas readers. Details on the giveaway post)
Oops, I digressed a bit there from my grateful post. It's just that there's so much going on, and it's hard for me to stay on track.
Right, back to gratefuls, and things I'm loving...
I got a lovely surprise last week when my mum and dad turned up with their gift for me: a hundred-year-old heirloom print which once belonged to my great-grandmother, then my grandmother, then hung on the wall of my childhood homes... and now they got it reframed for me.
I was blown away, I can tell you. It's now hanging in pride-of-place on my dining room wall. I love it. And I'm super duper grateful too.
And lastly, before I start stuffing envelopes and mailing books, I'm loving Scrag's enthusiasm for Christmas. He requested The Santa Clause DVDs from fatso, and is now spending every waking minute playing "santa's sleigh" in the back garden.
We may see an upside down plastic table and some wooden sawhorses but he sees a magical flying sleigh pulled by Rudolph and Comet...
So while I'm grateful for childish imagination and a love of Christmas, I've gotta say...Christmas?!?!?! Eek!
Twenty-nine sleeps to go, Scrag tells me, and less than a week till we get our Christmas tree, he reminds us every morning. My baby has his first wiggly tooth (it's hanging by a thread), Christmas is less than a month away and I simply don't know where the time is flying off to in such a hurry.
Slow down, just a bit wouldya pleeease?
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Gratefully Yours,

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