1. Loving Generous Hearts
Love that when our school announced Canterbury Day and the creation of a "coin trail" for Christchurch, my daughter raced to empty her piggy bank.
"They need the money more than I do, mum," she said as she counted out her coins and wrote on her whiteboard "I am giving muny to chrichorch"
"It's a lot of money aye mum?" she asked and I agreed wholeheartedly, thinking of the widow's mite.
Every little bit helps. And I am sure that Heaven blesses the coins given out of a generous heart.
In the aftermath of such a tragedy, it is heart-warming to see the love and generosity being poured into our stricken city.
I applauded the Student Volunteer Army who went to dig silt.
I cheered for the farmers who rode into town on their diggers and set to work clearing away debris in the suburbs.

And of course I am inspired by my friend Gail and her counterparts in Wellington who are raising money by walking. I'm walking too. Sponsor us?
2. Loving Autumn's Return
My favourite season. Crisp weather. No humidity. Warmer layers. Jeans. Jackets. Misty mornings. The end of Daylight saving and the return to reasonable bedtimes. Hot Cross Buns (and figuring out a way to make some gluten free ones). Falling leaves. Cosy evenings. Beautiful days.
What's not to love about Autumn?
3. Loving Planning Another Party
My littlest one turns three next month and the party theme has been declared by all: Toy Story!
Scrag drags Buzz and Woody around so much you'd think his name was Andy.
Our house echoes with shouts of "Reach for the sky!" and "To infinity... and beyond!"
This is going to be so much fun. What can't you do with a space ranger and a cowboy?
You can make a rocket pinata. Have hobby horse races. Wear cowboy hats bought for $3.90. Launch pump rockets and rocket ballons. The possibilties are endless... and relatively simple.
And it's a great way to take your mind off the daily grind... and other drama. I love planning parties!
4. Loving Cakes
I was inspired by PaisleyJade's Neopolitan Cake, baked to "Cheer them all up".
I thought, hey we need some of that!
But I am lazy and couldn't find my gel colours. So I made it into a marble cake... which, um, didn't really look like anything except a chocolate cake that hadn't been mixed very well.
But the butter-cream icing was good. And it was pink. And it cheered us up.
So a couple of days later I baked another one.
This time I forgot to sift the flour and measure the milk, so it's a bit spotty inside.
But. It tasted fine. And once again... yummy icing.
Now I've run out of GF flour, cocoa, eggs, milk and sugar so I better get to the shops and get some before Leonie comes to stay tomorrow...
Oh. You noticed that? Yes, it's True!
5. Loving that Leonie is Coming to Stay Tomorrow!
Through a roundabout set of emails the Kiwis at Heart (minus the daddy) are coming to play and stay with Team G.
That should cheer us all up!
Last time we met up our kids got on like a street of houses on fire so a weekend together will be fab. Accompanied by a few blog friends over for virgin pina coladas and dairy-free gluten-free fudge cake on Saturday night. (If you live in Auckland and want to meet Leonie and hang out for a nice girly night in around the brazier let me know and I'll send you the details)

What are you loving this week? (Join in with PaisleyJade here...)
Oh - but autumn means winter is coming :-(!
But loving the cakes and the generous hearts and everything else!
love Autumn
love the cake...looks so yummy
loved "meeting" little Scrags the other day!!! and his Mr. LightYear
(hey does that count as a bloggy hook up???)
Love the Leonie is coming to stay...FUN!
and love the love and peace I am feeling here today
thinking of you all
love and light
Cool list. Love Miss Fab's generous heart!! Love that I get to meet Leonie this Saturday xx
lovely list. Yay for getting to hang with bloggy friends :)
Man I love your list... and your cakes are soooo cool. Totally tempted to drive down to catch up with you all (but won't as that's slightly crazy isn't it). Precious Miss Fab - love it!
Oh wow, what gorgeous children you are raising here, have a blast this weekend, i follow Leonie too. Love Posie
Thanks so much for the free advertising of the Welly Walks - the combined support of the walks has been OVERWHELMING - God is good.
Loving you get to see Leonie...man I'm so dying to meet you and all the other Northern bloggers I love - there's a long list and it's growing longer...darn it I'm just gonna have to book a trip to Auckland sometime this year!
Loving Miss Fab's generosity, loving that you can still find things to love in a difficult time.
Can't wait to see the Toy Story Party...!
Im loving that you have survived the week too ...and smiled.
And... OH YEAH, OH YEAH, OH YEAH *dancing* Im loving that TOMORROW we get to go for a sleepover with Team G!!!! Yippee!! So excited about meeting more bloggers too!
I love Miss Fab's generosity for the coin trail - what a beautiful generous heart she has. And cant wait to see what you do for a Toy Story party!!!
I LOVE your list of LOVING
so important
see the beauty despite the layer of SHIT that may be covering it!!!
That has been my personal challenge this week
to see the GOOD
so difficult sometimes
but it is there
and it is LOVELY
just as you are, my dear
have a beautiful weekend filled with many more things to be loving
O how cute is Scrag with his Buzz. Can't wait to see what you do with his party!
Someone called me a party queen after Smiley's party and I told them they hadn't seen anything!
Might see you tonight x
That pink cake looks SO good! Making me want to go bake a cake!
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