03 September 2010

Fingerprint Friday

"Seeing God's fingerprints everywhere..."

Today I am seeing God's fingerprints in my daughter's creativity...

...her love of colour and attention to detail...

...her joy in creating and pride in her work...

...her distress over a precious work of art destroyed by a careless individual...

...and her painstaking rescue efforts to restore her creation...

...her thoughtfulness, remembering Father's Day coming on Sunday and doing something about it, unprompted...

...her generosity and ingenuity making a "voucher for kisses" for her daddy, complete with packaging...

...her sense of fun and joy {and finding these images of her on my camera when I went to upload}

...her beauty, her spark, her preciousness, her innocence...

I see God's fingerprints all over her.

Where are you seeing God's fingerprints lately??

{Linking up with Beki's Fingerprint Friday}

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Allyson & Jere said...

This is adorable and wonderful in every way. Her drawings are GREAT! And she is so, so cute.

I didn't know Fathers Day was in September for you. See, learning all kinds of new stuff with you around.

Catching the Magic said...

What a lovely, happy post for Friday! I'd just dropped Miss 4 off at Kindi and whilst Alice had a nap (and I had a coffee) I was scrolling through my Google Reader and saw your vibrant post. Your daughter's artwork is so full of happiness, thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy celebrating Father's Day (we have two children's Birthday parties on the same day - oh dear!).

Lyn said...

love it. gorgeous photos Simoney :-) And thanks, you've just given me an idea for Fathers Day, which I can't believe I'd forgotten was THIS weekend?! Arrgh.

alicia said...

What a lovely post. I love stopping by here! You are such a talented, beautiful person.

Sophie said...

Miss Fab is growing up so fast and looking....well, FAB

Widge said...

love "voacha for cisie" :)

Missy said...

What a lovely tribute to your daughter's creative and God's place in her life.

Stopping by from SITS.

Tammy said...

Her drawings are adorable. My daughter will sit and draw for hours...my son too! They have the artistic bug!...and they are good! :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

Love it. My kids do this type of stuff for us all the time. She is very creative. What a great idea!! I had actually been meaning to take photos of my son's Prep creations that he has been making.

Unplanned Cooking said...

Such sweet pictures! She's so expressive.

Anonymous said...

What a great thing to think about! I love to see God's finger prints in my two year olds humor.

Unknown said...

How delightful.

It's so easy to see God's fingerprints everywhere, isn't it? I mean, it's practically effortless. That's what's so awesome.

And I'll tell you what else is awesome. That "vaocha for cisie."

Anonymous said...

This post has been selected one of my great posts of the week. Here is the link to my post: http://www.jdaniel4smom.com/2010/09/great-posts-i-came-across-this-week_11.html .

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