Ahhh who am I kidding??
Of course the shops have the Christmas stuff out already. It's October. Only sixty-six shopping days left!
It's already time to buy buy buy. Spend spend spend.
I hate the Christmas shopping frenzy.
The crowded malls filled with stressed out people rushing from store to store looking for bargains while Jingle Bells plays to get us all in the mood.
A few years ago now I decided that if I wanted to actually enjoy Christmas, I'd have to plan ahead. And spread out the shopping. And grab bargains when I spotted them. Wrap presents and hide them as I go. Yada yada yada.
So here I am writing my first pre-Christmas post. Mostly because today I did some early Christmas shopping {and took photos of the Chrstmas displays while I was at it}.
I've been getting a lot of bargains on this online site, 1-Day.
And this site The Sniff, has a list of all the One Day deals.

And Omigosh I am LOVING Felt! The New Zealand crafters online store. Too lovely. So much to choose between. So many possibilities. Love that they are all unique handcrafted gifts made locally!
Someone said to me the other day they were sticking to the buying guide:
"Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read..."
I love that. Gives it all a structure and means we'll hopefully end up with less plastic fantastic throwaway rubbish.
I mean, Christmas has become all about the gifts and the shopping which is not what it's meant to be about.
Don't get me wrong - I love presents, I'm the biggest kid of all when it comes to Christmas surprises. Me and the hubby both are. I love Christmas Eve and seeing the piles of wrapped gifts under the tree. I love Christmas morning, ripping paper, happy shrieks, shining eyes and thankyou kisses.
But I hate the greed fest.

So my list will include for each one...
- The My Story Box & Book
- New swimming togs, Beach towel, Sunhat & Jandals
- Christmas Clothes
- 4-5 Books for Summer Reading
- A DVD or PS2 game
- Something for their Room
- Something to Play With
- Our traditional Christmas Eve PJs
- A stocking full of yummies & little bits
There. I think that's enough don't you? More than enough actually.
So what's your Christmas plan? Are you a last-minute rush kinda girl, or a planner-ahead?
Have you started thinking about gifts yet, or like me... even buying some??
Or right now are you wishing I would shut up and go away with all my Christmas talk??!!
{Remember in NZ we have Christmas in the Summer. Check out my last years' post, Christmas Downunder}
na bro. I'm waiting for hub to be paid for this month and then I'm hoping to get all the shopping (for presents) done asap. I remember a few years ago i had it all done in Oct. soooooo goood. and less stress.
The warehouse will be my friend this year and now with more family members its so expensive. $10 presents for everyone me-thinks!
your list for your kids sounds great! I remember getting most of those thins and loving them all :-)
I too hate christmas hype and crowds and stress. But I love putting up our decorations and the joy of giving - especially if its handmade/homemade.
We are doing it small this year, because we can't afford to spend much and because we are making our way home and dont need more 'stuff' to carry back.
My hubby has his birthday on Christmas day so we try to teach our kids that its 'Jesus is the reason for the season' and Daddy is pretty special too (Christmas morning is all about him).
I am currently making them presents to add to their very limited 'bought' ones and its all handmade for the rest of the family.
Love those boxes from Parents Inc! and checking out Snapfish for calendars for the grandparents.
oops, this is supposed to be a comment not a post (stop now Leonie!!!)....
I'm already on to it!! had stuff put away all year long and have just paid the second payment on my big Christmas layby today!! SOOOOOO onto it this year :
I'd love to shop earlier but because of all the birthdays right before Christmas we never seem to have the money! Have actually found a few things to put aside early this year though - including the neat deal on SnapFish calendars!
The year I was hit with the depression I did lots of online shopping. Still haven't found my love for malls since then. I have been trying to save money right now. Everything that comes in blogwise is going towards Christmas.
We do Christmas eve jammies too! I have the kids bought and need to get hubby's and mine now.
Enjoy your shopping!
I was wondering why Santa was on a surf board and why you get beach stuff, but then I realized the seasons are flipped in your neck of the woods!
I love the something you want...something you need etc line. Im gonna steal that great idea!
I never think too much about Christmas until I get the last birthday out of the way
this year my youngest turns 5!!!
having said that I have started delivering the Christmas home care magazine
I buy things as I see them on sale and throw them in a box upstairs, but I also love that last minute shopping too, it's just part of the holiday season for me! We also do Christmas Eve PJs!
(Stopping by from SITS!)
I love the idea. "Something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read" However I can hear the yelling from October.
"That's not fair D- loves books. His whole list is books, he got two thing he wanted..."
and so it goes. We are scaling back this year. And my husband who is the traditional Day before Christmas Eve shopper, has begun shopping for the kids.
We don't go crazy with presents. One "big" thing and then a few little things. We don't wrap clothes- just give those when they are needed.
Much less stress to not go crazy with shopping!
I love this post-I am a Christmas nut! After we were flooded last week the only thing that lifted my spirits was listening to Christmas carols. My tree will be going up soon (I know, it's too early but I don't care) and I am planning lots of fun things and ideas for my Christmas blog. I love it all!
Best wishes,
Loving the Snapfish calendars that were on special last weekend...I ordered 3 different ones!
Also doing some photobooks for the grandparents (a bit more expensive but hoping they might be on special between now and Christmas too!).
Loving your list for the kids - definitely gonna have to steal a few ideas!
Eli won a $1000 target gift card so that has bought new bikes for each of the kids, wii games and an ipod touch. Just got to get all the little things now. Xmas eve pj's, smiggles stuff, books, clothes etc. November is our crazy birthday month and then poor Yana has her B'day 30th Dec... so I need to be organised!
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