Don't you love meeting famous people? Last night a bunch of Auckland bloggers got to meet the face behind Kiwi Mummy Blogs... coffee with FaerySarah {so enjoyed meeting her... she's great company}
Bloggy coffee was organised by Gail, partly in honour of my birthday (It's tomorrow. I like chocolate. Hint hint). In the end only six of us, but fun, aye girls?
{Penny and Mon couldn't make it at the last minute... and Sammy? Did you get all our messages?}

Life of the party award goes to my friend Linda.
She's not actually a blogger, but she is a blog reader - one of those magical creatures who actually reads blogs for fun. And she is so much fun. Don't you agree girls? We all think that if she started her own blog it would be "a hoot!". Funny gal that one. A blog by her would be a masterpiece of of hilarity.

Gorgeous Gift award goes to my friend Lyns. She brought me flowers. Aren't they pretty?? Thankyou Lyns! {Faery Sarah was trying to figure out which blog Lyns belonged to, and then it clicked... "Oh Swine Flu Lyns!"}
Coolness Blogger Award goes to Gail. Of course. Who else? My fun friend shakes her head at me and Faery Sarah as we talk about stats and google analytics. Gail blogs for fun. She is amazing like that.
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L to R: Gail, Faery Sarah, Meg and Me (Lyns had already left) and Linda is holding the camera |
Queen of the Blog Nerds really should be awarded to Faery Sarah. Really. But when she pointed her finger at me and said, "YOU use google analytics don't you???!!" I had to hang my head in shame and admit that, yes, I do. The fun-bloggers turned to each and asked with a shrug, "What's google analytics?" Ahhh the days of innocence and sunbeams. Long may it last.
Which brings me to Meg. Who has to be awarded the "Please don't stop blogging when your youngest kid goes to school next year" award *Sigh*
It's not that we won't still be Real Life friends. But I love that we get to connect in cyberspace too. Especially since our paths don't cross as often naturally now that our kids aren't in kindy together. (Plus Meg has so many great parenting ideas and she takes such pretty pictures. I love her blog!)

They made me pose in front of these lights. And with a lion. I didn't want to but they said I had to cos it was my birthday.
Faery Sarah asked me to email her the photos... But not these ones of me. After making me pose she doesn't want the photos. I said, that's OK *sniff* I don't really want them either. (LOL)
Ahhh it was fun. We bloggers really are a unique bunch. So nice to hang out with people who don't look at me funny when I photograph the light fittings. And my coffee. And their Cake.
Have you had bloggy coffee lately?? Don't forget to link up on our bloggy friends linky :)
What a fun night out! And Happy Birthday!
Haha - looks like such a cool time!! Happy Birthday for tomorrow Simone!
I was just standing opposite that cafe a few months ago taking pics of it!!
Oh coolness!! If I was living in Auckland I would have SO BEEN THERE!!!! Looks like you Lovely Ladies had a fun time meeting Faery Sarah the Celebrity! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow! Hope you have a really special and blessed day X
Oh the cake! It looks divine. And the flowers are so so so beautiful. Looks like you had an amazing time and you so deserve it :)
Have a wonderful birthday xxx
If I was in Auckland I too would have been there!!
We should do a WHANGAREI meet up!! :))
Looks like you all had great fun!
Ooooooh, I just love seeing some of my favourite bloggy friends getting together..it's like watching celebs in the spotlight...tee hee.
And I laughed about your comment re photographing the light fittings...as I um..may have um...photographed the wallpaper in the ladies at Lone Star Petone recently since I thought it was that cool.
Yes we are are a weird and wonderful bunch but hey we all 'get' each other and that's what matters right!
wish there were more bloggers in the Hawkes Bay
happy birthday
beautiful flowers
love Gail and her soup! I'm so gonna try it next time im at circus circus with you all!!!
and I miss Lyns :( it's so weird seeing her birthday-ing with all you bloggies.
Yay - was fun and a much needed night out!! xx
Ewww. Yuck those are the worse photos of me ever.... revenge will be sweet!x
Yes I did, was working though. Dead-lines dead-lines! And Gail, stop it, you look gorgeous AS USUAL!
I KNOW!!! I emailed her (Gail) and said, oh well the ones of ME are worse! So i have already been revenged don't you think??
I mean. Come on!
Those posing ones are pretty bad.
Don't worry - it's about keeping it real. But be warned........ hahaha.
Oh you all look gorgeous! I'm so sorry I couldn't make it! Next time I SWEAR I will.
what's all this about being a celebrity! YOU CRAZY! i was like 'mmm do they EVEN want to hear all this blog crap?' haha.....
i look a bit perplexed in that first shot... took a while to warm up really!
Was fun!
Happy Birthday...! Looks like you girls had a good time! Love girl time...such a needed thing in our lives.
you guys are sooooooooooooooooooooooo COOL!!!
love it!
ps Happy Birthday lovely lady!
Looks like you had a great time. Happy Birthday!
Wow!!! This is wonderful post... Thanks so much...........
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