I have yet to be disappointed meeting a blog friend in real life. I have a theory: If you love the blog, you will almost certainly love the blogger.
Yesterday I met Mon, a.k.a. Delissimon. Me, the Mother-in-law and Scrag went
And wouldn't you know it? I neglected to bring my darn camera.
So what do you do when you blog-visit camera-less? Why, you raid the bloggers' blog of course! And right click all their delicious photos so you can show all your friends what a lovely delicious blog Mon has, so they will be tempted to go and visit her and find out for themselves all the goodies that lurk within.
Mon is not only a fabulous amazing talented cook (who has appeared on TV and been included in a cookbook) but she is a wonderful, warm inspirational person as well.
Mon has just finished her final radiation treatment for breast cancer (and is having a party to celebrate, complete with giant pinata boobies). Her story is amazing. Her attitude, inspiring.

We had a lovely morning, sitting out on her deck admiring her view of the ocean, her golf-green lawn and munching on her mini pecan pies. Our little lads played together while we chatted and munched (she's mother to three gorgeous blondies) and then we walked 20metres out her front door to the seaside park. Bliss.
What a lovely morning. What a lovely person. Delicious blog too.
You really must go and visit Delissimon. Try some of her recipes. And tell her I sent you.
P.S. Mon has volunteered to host the next bloggy tea party sometime in the New Year, once the kids are all back at school. Won't that be Delicious?!?!)
{Met any bloggers lately? Link your bloggy friend posts up here}
Oh wow!!!! squeal!!! I would LOVE to meet Mon. You will have to take me there next time I come to visit Simone!!
awww tooooooo nice! thanks Simone!
She is so awesome and I just love her creations! Lucky you Simone - and yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum!
OOOOOhhhh That does all look rather delicious! Yay for you hon - and yay for Mon!
Look at all that yummy food!
I got to meet a few bloggers for the first time ever last weekend. It was a blast!
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