Loving taking a deep breath. A pause from party planning.
Time to stop working. Time to celebrate my girl's special day, and enjoy the moment...
Loving a morning spent at Mon's place.
Loving a gifted friend... who gives generously of her time and talent...
...and cupcakes. Made specially for the birthday girl. Packaged up in a box.
Made With Love by Delissimon. It's right there on the label.
Most especially loving peanut-buttercream frosting. Oh.
I think I died and went to heaven right there.
Loved licking the smooshed frosting off the inside of the box after it slid off the birthday girl's lap on the way home. NOT Loving that the box fell and smooshed the cupcakes... but I have to try and find the silver lining somehow. I nearly cried seeing those beautiful cupcakes smeared. I knew I should have got Dash to hold the box. *Sigh*
But still. I repaired them as best I could (grateful I had taken pictures already); we stuck candles in them and sang happy birthday to our girl after dinner. Thankyou so much Mon. What a blessing!
{Hehe. Also loving what Dash said to me on the way home when I told that Mon was on TV once, a cooking competition called NZ's Hottest Home Baker...
He said, "Mum you should go on a competition too, cos you're a really good baker!"
Well bless my cotton socks. *Blush*}
But I digress. before the cupcakes were smooshed, there was the beach.
Right on Mon's doorstep. Wow.
Loving my beautiful country. Grateful for my beautiful country.
Loving the way kiwi kids race to the water. Even in the middle of winter.
Middle of winter? Pshaw.
That was two days ago. Those Antarctic gales have moved on leaving us thinking its Spring already.
I mean, just look at that lot. Do they look cold to you?
Loving splashing in waves.
Loving the way being in the outdoors forms kids into a happy bunch of funlovers. A "gang" if you will.
Funny how a bit of salt water can provide common ground.
Big boys playing with little boys. And even some girls.
Loving the way "dipping your toes in the water" becomes "diving headfirst" when kids are involved.
Loving that I know this now. I'm OK with it. I expect it.
Straggle-haired, sopping wet, sandy-footed larrikin in back seat of car?
Not a prob. Nothing a vacuum cleaner and an old towel can't handle.
Loving new friends united by waves.
Loving the way the simple things are the best.
The natural things are the funnest.
The silly things are the ones they'll remember.
Loving blue blue eyes. Rosy cheeks.
And supermodels who decline to enter salty seas in favour of keeping the birthday stockings clean and dry.
She may not look exactly ecstatic in these pictures; that's because its a hard call to make.
What to do on your birthday?
Watch the fun from the shore and keep your clothes dry?
Or dive right in and end up wet?
She chose dryness.
But don't worry. She didn't miss out. She had a great birthday.
She whispered to me when I kissed her goodnight, "This was my fourth-best birthday ever. Don't worry, Mum, I liked it. Its just that I have so many good ones to choose from..."
Loving that. And grateful for it all.
{Linking up as usual. You know the drill}

peanut butter frosting did someone say peanut butter frosting??????????
love and light
really I have to go back and see the rest of the post, i couldn't get past the peanut butter frosting!!!!
Oh yum... you lost me at the peanut butter frosting!
Beautiful pics Simoney - and I love that amazing beach on Mon's doorstep!!
Awesome photos. Looks like Miss Fab had a great day. I, too, am constantly amazed at what a beautiful country we have right on our doorstep. And Mon's cupcakes look divine, what a lovely birthday treat.
I love the sea! So glad you guys got to enjoy it! I went swimming in the Atlantic! So awesome! x
Sounds and looks like heaven, what great place to have a birthday. There's nothing like the sea for fun and relaxation x
PEANUT BUTTER FROSTING!!!??!! Oh my. I may gatecrash on Sat. I already threatened this on Mon's post if those pink ones were for you. So see you tomorrow. Jokes....but maybe not....HA!
looks like lots of fun
and ohhhhhhhh those cupcakes yummmmmmmm
Awesome post - looks like a whole heap of fun was had despite cupcakes falling off a certain someones lap!!
Those cupcakes look so divine - I am totally off to ogle over Mons page and try to develop some baking skills by osmosis.
Love that the kids (bar the birthday girl) got into the waves - such a kiwi kid thing to do! So many memories like that. Hopefully you won't get too many runny noses out of that ;-)
I'm still at Peanut Butter Cream - .. .. .. - have you tried the Reeses' Peanut Butter chocolate from USA swoon ::))
And as for 4th best birthday - WOW - don't they just say the CUTEST stuff xxx
Bless you and your adorable family - what a wonderful way to spend the day xx
Peanut butter frosting!!!! Drooooooooooollllllll....
Seems I am not the only one distracted by the frosting! Ha! Love what Dash said to you about your baking. So very sweet.
Hahaha! I LOVE your pics! Classic stuff and I'm so glad it was her fourth best day! Your kids crack me up!
xxx Love you hon. You are just gorgeous.
Looks like they had a great time:) Yumm to peanutbutter frosting - I am going to have to look that one up.
How do you take such fanastically clear shots. Love!
We are so lucky to live in beachy countries. I love the beach especially in winter. x
I just love all your pictures. And yes, you have such a beautiful country. Dropping by from Maxabella's grateful linky. xx
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