Welcome to the new-look Greatfun4kids. I didn't plan on doing a full blog makeover when I started. just wanted to try making some new-style sidebar buttons. When I'd done them I liked them so much I needed to do some tweaking....
So I changed some fonts....
Added some new social media buttons...
It was looking nice. But still lacked something. Hmmmm, that header is looking a little tired...
I got carried away. Sat up til 1.30am, perched on the worst chair in the world, and redesigned my header.
Then of course I had to make a matching button. And put the new button on my Facebook page, along with the new header. And then change my email signature to display the new button.
My butt is still aching. Ouch.
I love that my new look is fresh and clean, but it is still "me" - featuring the "family" Miss Fab drew for me a few years ago, just updated into their beach gears courtesy of Photoshop.
I think I really do love a seasonal header. The rollercoaster was cute for a bit, but I get bored easily and need to change things up. A seasonal header lets me do that. So come Autumn, I guess I'll be pulling another late-nighter. (But this time I'l take the time to drag out the proper chair, not the rock-hard antique kitchen torture-seat that killed my butt last night).
So, anybody else feel like they're in need of a makeover for the New Year?
Maybe I can give you one. Being in a creative mood, I've decided to hold a Bloggy Makeover Giveaway.
For one *blessed* blogger/reader I will...
- design a new header
- make a new matching button
- add/upgrade your sidebar buttons/pages
- add/upgrade your social media buttons
- tweak your fonts and layout to match
Sounds like a good prize, right? Lots of work in there for me.
But first, a few hoops you need jump through.
- You need to be a Blogger blog (I can't do Wordpress sorry)
- You need to be "following" me via GFC and at least one other social media
- You need to leave me a comment telling me how long you've been reading Greatfun4kids, why your blog needs a makeover and what kind of "feel" you're hoping for in your new blog design
I will pick the comment/person/blog that most excites me to create a design for them.
I will pick somebody this time next week: Thursday Morning 24 January 2013.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you...
(P.S. If you have my old button in your sidebar, can you do me a favour and change it out for this one?? Ta!)

don't hold back... go right ahead)
Love the new look! I've been following you since I started blogging, nearly 2 years! Meghan kindly prompted me to follow you after telling me how amazing you are!
I'd like a 'makeover' because I'm a massive technophobe when it comes to my blog. I'm generally pretty good with technology, but find the blog a bit tricky!
I'd like something fun, creative, fresh, maybe with a photo I've taken, some buttons to show my instagram and pinterest pages, some floral somewhere maybe and something colourful but not too overwhelming.
Love your new look - personally you new side bar buttons are much more capturing and easier to read / notice :) Well done! Yay for you!
Far out, doesn't re-doing a blog take a heck load of work! I hear you on that one Giiirrrl!
(P.s, you dont need to enter me in your awesome generous giveaway, but i do need to re do my design some time! Need to find a comfy enough chair to do it! ;) )
Also, gone back to the old comment form??
Love the look of this blog! I only found you yesterday through kiwimummyblogs, but I have been browsing through some of your older posts. I am now following you on GFC and Pinterest (I'm addicted to Pinterest!) I have no idea how to update my blog but it desperately needs a cleaner design and look, I am into crafts and fitness and my current chicken background does not reflect this at all! I tend to post my latest cards, as well as fun toddler activities and my link ups to Fitness Fridays and Kitchen Fun Fridays.
Since Somebody commented from their mobile device it has flipped back to the blogger comment form; meaning that my earlier comments have disappeared :(
Since This is a giveaway, I thought I'd better add these back in, so I can keep track of who wants what. So here's the comments that vanished...
"Your new look is great! My blogger skills have never got past the default templates. (would love a new look ;) ) "
"Simone you are awesome and I love how you change your header with the seasons. You're a super clever lady! Coming up 4 years that I've been reading your words X"
ANGE @Tall Short & Tiny:
"Love the new look! I'm on wordpress, so not enterin', just sayin' x "
"love your new look."
So @SophieSlim... that's why the old comment form has returned :(
There is no way around it; if comeone comments via a tablet or phone it appears on the old blogger comment form. If I don't "catch it" in time, I will end up with half my comments on one form (vanished). That's what happened here.
Hi, I have just found you so haven't been following you long. I have just opened up my blog and need something fun, exciting yet educational as well as my blog is mainly about homeschooling.
Hey lovely :)
Love your new look... um....been reading your blog for the last 36years.. (okay thats a HUGE exaggeration...but I'm trying to get you to LIKE me/excite you here! hehe ).
I would love a make over...and some liposuction, and a lotto win too while we're at it, but my blog could do with a freshen up :) .. perhaps it will incite some bloggy inspiration and help me wanna get back into it!.
Hmmm...now (thinking of things to excite you).
.... Ice down your shirt
.... a kiss from George Clooney
.... a scary tap on your window whilst wearing a "scream" mask.
.... Oh..I know... a new HOT GLUE GUN!!! :) there got it in the bag now don't I? hehehe.
I have been trying to make updates to my own blog but falling short of a professional look. I think my blog theme and such might be a bit too scary right now. I think your style would be perfect to less scarify it. lol I just found your blog while I was searching for blog design giveaways (on excitement for that :)?
Follower with GFC connect and Twitter
Haha Neetz, that glue gun is a winner I think!!!
I've just attempted a bit of a bloggy makeover for reaching 500 blog posts (who'd of thought!)but would LOVE a whole package look, other than my amateur attempts... SO pick ME!!!! (lol)
So get excited Simone and come enter my giveaways girl!!!
OK... Thanks for all your lovely comments... I Pick... NEETZ!
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