Scrag turns five in three months' time.
Three months. FIVE.
And here we are in January, preparing already.
Miss Fab has her outfit all picked out. Katy Perry eat your heart out.
She even made a sign. Bless.
Scrag may or may not go as a lion. But the hat's a keeper.
Miss Fab is going to be the Carnival Fairy. Dash will be some kind of Sporty Clown.
We plan to co-opt their friends (the big brothers and sisters of the party guests) as helpers at the party.
They get to come and join the fun if they are prepared to dress up and man stalls. And games.
Dish out popcorn, paint faces, run games.
We see this as a real family day. A real Carnival in our back yard.
I've ordered a roll of 2000 rip-off concession tickets from the States.
Tickets will be for everything. We'll have a prize tent, a popcorn stand, a bouncy castle
and all kinds of games where kids can win more tickets.
Which they can cash in for more prizes, icecream, candy floss, popcorn...
and all kinds of games where kids can win more tickets.
Which they can cash in for more prizes, icecream, candy floss, popcorn...
[Miss Fab's Cute Sign] |
It's gonna be big. The biggest party we've ever done.
To celebrate the coolest little kid turning five and heading off to school.
But why are you starting party prep so early, Simoney? I hear you wondering. Aren't you taking this a bit far?
Well, at the rate time whizzes by these days, I know that I'll be blinking and the party will be upon me.
If we start early we can get really creative. Have fun making it without stressing.
Look for deals and streamline our fab ideas.
As you can see I am rocking the pink wig.
But this girl. She is like WOW. Gorgeous.
She is so excited for her brother's party. Her daddy is super impressed.
"I love your attitude, Fab..." Daddy said the other day. "You're more excited about his party than your own."
And it's true.
She has all kinds of plans. She's even made lists. I'm just letting her run with it.
Love her enthusiasm and creativity.
Last night as we were browsing Bouncy Castle websites, I heard her say to Scrag, "You know Scrag, this is going to be the biggest and best party any of us have ever had. And I'm not even jealous. You should be so grateful you're going to have the most amazing party..."
We're all a bit party mad around here.
And some of us really really suit blue hair.
(But not so much the pink, really)
I'm collecting ideas and inspiration for the Biggest Backyard Carnival Ever
here on my Pinterest Carnival Party Board...
If you've ever done a Carnival Party I'd love to hear your ideas/see your party. You can leave me a comment or post your link on my party linky...

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