This is the sign that greets me in every morning. It sits on my windowsill and reminds me to ask myself the question: What am I grateful for today?
There's always something to be grateful for.
I love that we have now successfully integrated gratefulness into our family dinnertime.
You know something has really caught on in your family, when you are no longer the one pushing/steering it.
You know your kids are catching on if before you have got that first forkful of potato into your mouth, a child pipes up with: "So what are we grateful for today? I'm Grateful for mum cooking this dinner for us..."
Ahhh yes. Gratefulness is a beautiful thing. I love that the kids are catching it. (Thankyou, Meg, for the inspiration).
This week I recorded my gratefuls using the Gratitude Journal app on my phone.
If the sign on my kitchen windowsill failed to prompt me, then the red hearted question in my notifications kept me on the grateful road.
Here's what I've been grateful for this week...
- Fit healthy athletic kids and watching them play sport
- I am grateful that almost every day I can choose how to spend my time
- I am grateful for hubby taking the kids to school for me some mornings
- I am grateful for hearts, warm jackets, scarves and umbrellas
- I am grateful that the day is only 24 hours (I was reaching a bit that day)
- Thankful I am still here (in church) after 23 years
and let me just add to that...
7. I am grateful the greys are finally gone (and I got a haircut NOT done by my hubby!)
8. Loving Spring flowers in Winter sunshine9. That this is my 999th blog post. Tomorrow = 1000. Party time on the blog to celebrate!
Join in with The Grateful Project
Use #thegratefulproject hashtag on Instagram and your "Gratefuls" will show up here automagically...
If perchance you happen to write a grateful post on your blog, you can link it up below. Use the #thegratefulproject hashtag to join us on instagram (and twitter)... or you can share your gratefuls in the comments section. There's even a button so you can let others know you're joining in...

Gratefully Yours,

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