What have I been up to the last few days? What on earth could possibly have been fascinating enough to keep me away from my blog addiction?
I have been giving my bedroom a makeover. All work on other projects ceased. So did all housework, much to Mr G's annoyance. I painted my bedroom while the baby slept and then raced to make school pickups on time...
...leaving the breakfast dishes in the sink...
...leaving the shopping piled on the table...
...leaving the washing piled up, the floors unswept, the beds unmade (you get the picture)...
But it was worth it. Bit by bit I have transformed my bedroom, painted it even - partly inspired by Melinda's Operation Organisation... and partly by the fact that the clutter and untidy old paintwork was driving me nuts.
This is Phase One completed. Phase Two is Operation Get Hubby Out Of My Sunroom! One of these days, Telecom will figure out a way to give us phone/internet service in our purpose-built outside office. Then I can reclaim the sunroom (attached to our bedroom) and turn it into my Sanctuary, my Art Space, my Reading and Relaxing Space. Ahhhhhh, dreams are free - darn it Telecom!
Well in the meantime, at least I now have lovely freshly painted walls, reorganised closet space and a decided lack of clutter. Yay!
The cluttered cupboard.... Before...
... and After.
Unfortunately Mr G was not impressed when he came home and found his stuff moved and reorganised. He keeps complaining he can't find anything and that it's a waste of space. I think it looks great having the dresser in the cupboard. He is not convinced :(
The walls had not been touched in about 115 years and were a patchy faded yellowy cream. I painted them a lovely soft pale gray - Resene SeaFog. Mr G said after it was done, "What? Have you painted it a different colour??" Blokes!
My new clutter-free bedroom. You can't really see the colour very well... trust me it's a soft restful pale grey!
I switched the bed over to the other wall so we now look out the window, instead of sleeping underneath it (it was Dash's idea, actually!) It's way better - don't know why I didn't have it postioned there all along.
I am working on convincing Mr G that the new wardrobe configuration will work. I just have to tweak a few things on the storage side (and maybe convince him to let me splash out on a new embossed white cotton bedcover...and lift the carpet to expose the wood floors... and purchase a new blind to better show off the gorgeous window...)
Apparently he doesn't take kindly to change. Or surprises. Hmmmm I think I have my work cut out for me!
Apparently he doesn't take kindly to change. Or surprises. Hmmmm I think I have my work cut out for me!
Nice job Simone! Big effort :)!!
It looks fab!!! The bed looks great that way... and I think the drawers in the wardrobe are quite cool actually.
I agree, the drawers in the wardrobe are a great idea. I think the whole room is lovely, it has real character and looks bright and welcoming. You are a woman of many talents!
That's a lot of work to do in between car pools and grocery shopping!
I like the dresser in the wardrobe.
Wow. You did soooo much. I have only been organizing, not painting. And I so need to paint my bedroom too. It is the only room we have never painted.
You definitely have inspired me. Thanks.
Nice haven simone!! Looks super relaxing!
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