We'll take side-trips to Cornwall and Scotland, and a day-trip to London to see the sights. I will get to stay three days with my dear friend and bridesmaid Mrs T and catch up with other great pals V&A in their quaint Midlands village.

Scrag will be kissed and cuddled and squeezed and tickled by all.
Grandma is getting excited. She can't wait to show us off to everyone - it's been so long. The last time we were in the UK, Dash was just an 8-month-old baby. Now he's a tall lad of nearly 7 and we have a Princess and a Scrag as well. I am imagining some tearful reunions!
It's an epic pilgrimage. One for which must be thoroughly prepared. There are piles of clothes waiting to be packed (the end of an English summer... clothes for all weathers!) There are lists to be made, treats to be bought, activity bags to be filled (bribes to help us survive the trip).

Then there is the house to be cleaned and made ready for our good friends who will be housesitting for us while we are away. I can live with stuff just shoved into cupboards but I think I'd better sort out the linen closet or they'll never find the towels!
Last night Mr G cleaned the oven... gasp!! He also vaccuumed under the couch cushions (eek)and I washed the
cushion covers off one couch. I am embarrased to look at the unwashed one and see the shocking difference. Oh Dear. Better get onto washing the other one in a hurry.

The kids will miss three weeks of school. But the educational value to them of visiting places they've only heard about more than makes up for it. And how wonderful to get to see where their funny-talking dad comes from?! And to meet their family on the other side of the world! Amazing.
So, after I finish this post I will start typing the lists. And sorting the piles. And Packing the Bags. Six Days to Go!
P.S. Don't worry I plan to keep posting in England from Grandma's computer... I'm sure you'll be relieved to know that!!
How exciting Simone!!
I hope your family all have a wonderful time! will pray that the flight there and back goes well with the kids. ENJOY! xo
Yay - have an amazing time! So glad to hear you will be keeping up with your posts while away... and the fringe is looking lovely now ;)
Ah hope you all have a great trip- sounds like you'll be having lots of fun and the kids will be getting spoiled rotton x
Busy but SO exciting! Can't wait for your up-dates! Olivia is going to miss Abs, as I will you - will be waiting for posts in anticipation!
I love the cleaning regime!!! you would be busy with that for a few days to be sure....have a great trip! Hping the flight goes well...lobe the token idea...
I am still feeling fuzzy-headed from our 13 hour drive and ferry from France yesterday so am already praying for your journey!
A whole month!!! You are going to have such a great adventure!
So very glad for you guys Simoney. But feeling a bit homesick myself too!
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