I am NOT loving the sad fact that Scrag broke Daddy's special Christmas Mug handpainted by Dash when he was little. However I am LOVING Superglue. I'm also LOVING my recycled broken-mug herb planters that now decorate my kitchen windowsill. I'm also loving the scent of basil and mint which now pervades.

I am LOVING these recently-discovered molded-plastic bibs. I'm loving the way they catch all the crumbs, goop and spilt milk. I'm loving the fact that there's less muck to clean off the floor (and I can just chuck them in the dishwasher or run them under a tap). Bibs, where have you been all my life?

I'm LOVING my mocha sachets. Just add water. Almost as good as the real thing...

I'm NOT loving endless snotty noses. But I am LOVING my Eucalyptus and Aloe tissues (they smell so good). I am NOT loving a certain Scrag by-passing the tissues and using my
t-shirt to blow his nose and then running off giggling. OK, maybe I
am kind of loving it
just a little bit... he is
very cute.

I am LOVING my new earplugs. I can now handle loud music and noisy places. I can even handle a certain young lady (who sounds remarkably like an air-raid siren) having a melt-down right in front of me. I am NOT loving the meltdown, but I am LOVING the way I can stay so calm while wearing my earplugs!

I am NOT loving my itchy red pussy eye. I am NOT loving the way I woke up with my eyelids glued shut. But I am LOVING the way my kind dear husband heroically and gently unglued my crusty eye for me. What a guy. That's True Love. I am LOVING my husband.

I am NOT loving my pirate eye-patch. It is NOT a good look.

But I am LOVING that me and Mr G have been Married NINE YEARS TODAY. I am LOVING that my hubby took the morning off to take me out for Brunch. I am LOVING my local cafe (
Trinity of Silver; good food, good coffee). I am LOVING that my husband doesn't mind being seen in public with me even though I look
terrible with my red crusty eye. I am LOVING that
I married That Guy.
Happy Wedding Anniversary Mr G!
I am LOVING that nine years ago you did not wake up with that eye.
for better...for worse...for pink eye...
Happy Anniversary - neat things you are loving... and you still look very pretty with your sore eye!!
oh good things good things!!! Happy Anniversary and cheers to a real life!!!! Eye goop and all!!!
Poor you! But loving that nine years are still beautiful for you, and even more so. May you and Mr G have many, many sunlit years ahead my sweet friend. PS Chamomile tea will get rid of pink eye, resting the wet tea bag on your closed eye, and regularly bathing it with the infusion clears it up amazingly well in my experience.
Happy Anniversary! Hope your eye is better soon!
Happy Anniversary Guys!
The cup makes a great herb planter :)
The eye patch does a good job :)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! You had me cringing at the eye part. yeah that's true love...go Mr G!!
Good point Laura! Sorry you've got pink eye Simoney - that's a bummer! Happy Anniversary to you both! Love,
Happy aniiversary friend! Hey, WHERE did you get those bibs? I gotta get Mr Messy Eater one!
The Tommy Tippee bib is from Baby Factory, around $10. The green froggy one is from the UK courtesy of Grandma. :)
Happy Anniversary. There's an award for you over at my blog.
And I am loving you being my daughter in law Simone x
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