Some Weekends you get to blog. And some weekends you don't.
Some Fridays you have lots to love and be grateful for.
But some Fridays you don't get the chance to share, so you have to wait until Sunday when you should be doing your online shopping... and that's the best you can do because Life is just so Full.
And that's Awesome...
Meet Trunki. She is kind of a cross between a pet, a lifesaver and some ride-on luggage.
Trunki has been seeing some action lately. She's been in training for her next Big Event: Round the World with Team G.
Look how much fun Trunki is... and how fast she can go. Very handy if you're running for the plane....
Loving that Trunki will be traveling with us soon.
Especially Loving that we will be traveling soon... Squeeee!
I Love Traveling. Full stop.
Loving stocking up on cool stuff for Carry-On Kits.
Love these Smiggle wind-up crayons. Beautiful colours, easy to use, no sharpening required and best of all non-messy. Perfect for the airplane. And they last.
Also love this Do-It-Yourself Diary of a Wimpy Kid for Dash's bag.
You write your own funny journal. He's gonna be so stoked when I show him his surprises.
I love surprises.
Love my new cushions. The poppies are handprinted on calico panels with a button back. I spotted the covers at Geoffs Emporium for $5.95 each. I grabbed three.
Apparently these same cushions are retailing in designery shops for around fifty bucks.
Love a bargain.
Love Geoffs.
Love eight-year-old boys and their attempts to still look cool whilst Folk Dancing....
Dash's class performed their folk dancing routine at whole school assembly on Friday, which of course I had to go and watch. Never mind that Dash spent a fair bit of time hiding behind the curtain.
Ahhhh well. One day he will look back and laugh after all.
Loving my basic electric handbeater, which though small and humble, makes short work of creaming butter and sugar. I know some of you baking geniuses have those fancy retro KitchenAids with multiple gadgets and attachments. Nice.
Meanwhile I am grateful for my faithful whizzer. And love it even though it is not flash.
Because I still manage to come up with cakes like this...
Oh yes. That's a double layer lemon madeira cake with lemon buttercream filling, whipped up for Fathers Day. A Fathers Day spent with my actual father, for the first time since I left home 22 years ago.
Dad loved the cake.
Which was shared with my babies' Daddy of course. The Love of My Life and the one who funds my glamorous lifestyle - for which I am eternally grateful ♥
So I sent the boys to pick some flowers for his breakfast tray...
And then made him breakfast in bed.
That's poached eggs and salmon on english muffins with cracked black pepper and grilled cheese.
Oh yes.
Its good to show appreciation to those we love and are GRATEFUL for.
Happy Fathers Day to all the great daddies out there.
Including mine. And my hubby too.
Where would we be without ya?
Much Love and Gratitude

So excited that you get to go on your trip to the UK again!! I am insisting that you come back with a few 'choice' items for yourself, not just the kids!!!
Love the father's day brekkie, the non-smiling folk dancer. What a crack up!!
Miss ya friend!xx
yup dads are pretty much awesome and I've only got the basic mixers as well
I know how you feel - I didn't get a chance to blog until this arvo because life has been very full - and I'm grateful for it's fullness!
Lovely post and I just want to eat that cake up!
I like that quote..."funds my glamourous lifestlye..."
One of our fiends who isnt a blogger said to tell you they loved the latest parents mag article you wrote. I have found myself a copy yet. Will do!
Oh I love the cool folk dancing pics so much!! Hahaha. That cake is amazing and I'm sooo happy you get to spend Father's day with your dad. xoxo p.s. so exciting about your trip!
What a yummy post, I'm feeling hungry now!
what I wanna know is how come the Dad's get yummy "mum made" brekkie while we have to deal with swallowing the awful creations from the kis on Mothers day!?!?!? ;)
those folk dancing pics are awesome...would you be more worried if he WERE actually smiling?
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