05 March 2010

She Gets it From Me...

My daughter came home from school today and rearranged her bedroom. Again. For the third time in three days.
Arrrgghhh! I just had it looking nice, I'd cleared out a load of old toys and made space for everything; we'd swapped dressers with Scrag and everything was looking pretty with butterflies on the walls and flowers on the pinboard...

But the creative streak in my girl can't rest. She must change things. And rearrange things. (But not tidy up. Oh no.)

And then there are the mishaps. She took it into her head to swap her lamp and her stereo... CRASH!!!!
Oh-oh. A very meek little madam sidled up to me and said, "Mumma, don't be cross but, when I was tidying my room there was a little accident..."

The lamp base was cracked. Grumble mumble grouch... PVA glue... mutter mutter...

Five minutes later... SMASH!!! This time a glass jar with shards scattered for acres (and a bleeding toe).
"Mumma, I was climbing up the top shelf of the wardrobe to find all my old treasures and there was a little accident..."

I don't know who to blame for the breaking-things-gene, but the furniture-rearranging-gene? She gets that from me.

As a kid I shared a bedroom with my two younger sisters... and got easily bored with the room's configuration. I'd rearrange the beds, stack up the dressers to look like a wall unit, move the posters... and shove all the mess out of sight under the bed skirts.

I never minded shifting house because it gave me a chance to arrange things in a new way (and I shifted house a lot, so that was lucky).

It used to drive Mr G batty to come home from work and find the house turned updside down; everything in a different place. Poor guy. It must have been a shock. He tried to get me to stop rearranging things, but I just can't help myself. If I think of a better place for things, I just have to move them.

This week alone I have...
  • swapped around two bookshelves
  • changed around a bunch of pictures
  • re-arranged my china cabinet and my kitchen shelves
  • (oh and re-arranged my daughter's bedroom. Which she re-re-arranged, as I said. Did I mention it was three times???) 
Who knows what next week could bring...

So, as annoying as it is, I really can't complain when my kid keeps on changing around her bedroom. After all I know where she gets it from.

All Interior Styling in these photographs has been done By Miss Fab  (A.K.A. Princess)

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meg said...

But really she's pretty sweet, one day she might get the tidying up thing... hope it's before she leaves home!!

PaisleyJade said...

Oh that is just so cute... future interior designer there?

I love the little end note too.

count it all joy said...

Is Miss A. Princess available for interior design consulting? My girls room needs the Miss A. Princess touch. I feel confident that she has just the right amount of glitter-fabulousness to make it perfect. Meredy xo.

Weza said...

I was always re arranging my bedroom, much to my mothers and sisters dismay.
This is cute, encourage her, she may some day be an interior designer.

sewfunky said...

Hey Simone, I was just reading what you wrote over on delve deeper, and it was like I was reading the story of me. Thanks for being brave and writing that! Depression truly sucks bigtime!

sewfunky said...

Oh, and I'm in the midst of completely rearranging the rooms in my house - we're moving into the kids room and they're moving into ours. It's my attempt at being able to sort through the mess - but a mammoth one at that!

Sammy said...

Haha! I used to re-do my bedroom all the time when I was young! And make paper houses along with paper dolls and arrange them all. No wonder I am an interior designer! Love it!

Anonymous said...

My daughter, too, has very specific ideas about how she likes things...and where...I, too, know where she gets this gene, but still it can be frustrating. Especially when she's rearranging MY things.

Lyns said...

What a sweetie!! I always think about a change around, but then realise I will probably have to dust everything at the same time at that puts me off the idea xx

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