My Girl: so pretty, so soft and squeezy, so kissable and sweet... ahhh how the memories are rosy-coloured from a distance...
My Lad: Lanky and leggy, a shy show-off; big green eyes in a cheeky freckle face... missed our snuggles and chats after dark...
Can't wait to see them and squeeze them and kiss their velvety cheeks. They are at school now, the little one asleep. They survived without us, and were on their best behaviour.
We had a great time away but oh so glad to be back where we belong in the heart of our family, the centre of our world.
When I was away from the kids, I was surprised at the wave emotion that came over me when I first saw them when I got back. The tears just came from no where! Lovely photos. Beautiful kids.
Nice to have you back x
Awww, very sweet post. I can definitely relate. Bet they're glad Mummys home again though :)
Hope you had a great time - we are having the same next week!
mmmm you have made me want to squish my kids!
that is a good thing!
welcome home.
Good to get away and even better to get back!!!
Hey Simone, I think that monkey is quite boyish. Let me know if you still want though. Cheers, Anya
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