{Photo by Miss Fab - How She Sees Her Mother Too Often} |
Many many blog thoughts in my head.
Here comes a cleansing release of those thoughts...
When all I can think about is blogging...
I'm blogging too much.
When I get irritated at my kids for wanting my time...
I'm blogging too much.
When I can't walk past my computer without checking for new comments...
I'm blogging too much.
When I'm hunched over my computer on a glorious cloudless spring morning...
I'm blogging too much.
When I get real-life bummed that somebody google-unfollowed me...
I'm blogging too much.
When I feel guilty that I haven't replied to comments (and worry that people will unfollow me)...
I'm blogging too much.
When I'm tired at the end of the day and all I want to do is relax on the couch but "just five minutes" blog-reading becomes hours of stiff-necked back-aching computer-hunching...
I am blogging too much!
When I get bummed after writing what I think is a really good post because I only got three comments...
When I quickly write another post in case people like that one better and I might get more comments...
When I get to the point that I don't want to switch on my computer in case I have no comments....
Have you noticed?
Have you noticed I haven't been commenting/visiting/writing as much?
Noticed the rehashed recipes and how-to posts from years gone by?
I think I need to get out more.
And blog less.
So I'll have more to say.
When I do blog.
So if I don't comment or visit as much, I still love you.
If I don't post as often, I'm not going anywhere.
Just pulling back so I don't get to the point of having to pull the plug altogether.
And go cold turkey.
Because anything can be addictive.
And for me... blogging is.
{This post was inspired by Shell at Things I Can't Say who read my mind and blogged about it}

Oh wow Simone!!! that is one powerful post. I am right there with you!
On so many levels.
From the hours of stiff necked computer hunching, to the checking for comments, and missing out on the beautiful day outside. Blogging is addictive!! ive been trying to slow it down a bit too but it draws me back in again and again.
Love your blog so wont be unfollowing you anytime soon :)
I hear ya!! Been on a bit of a binge myself this week and last night I couldn't even sleep thinking up new post ideas because I was on the computer for hours before I went to bed and my brain was on overload.
Totally wish we could hang out for real again!!
You've just said everything I have been quietly thinking for a while. Blogging is SO SO addictive. My one and only saving grace is that I can only blog in the evenings after work when the boys are in bed AND all my chores are done. I also try NOT to turn the computer on during the weekend until the evening too.
BUT..........I do sometimes FAIL epically at keeping to my own rules.
AND...Google Reader and an iPhone make it way too easy just to flick through all my favourite bloggy friends as they update throughout the day..zip in, zip out kinda thing....
Sigh...how does one ever find a balance....I hope you can find yours..I'm definitely still trying to find my happy medium..If you come up with any great tips..let me know!
Another Faithful follower :-)
wow. so true, thats why i have breaks every now and again, even just for a few days. I try to only blog 3 -4 times a week if that as I used to do it daily. So much better cutting it down. Plus i hardly ever look at my stats and i never judge posts on comments - there are so many lurkers out there and only some actually comment...but you know all that.
have some good time off, and remember don't live to blog - blog your life (or something like that!!!)
i still love all your posts and your blog to bits though so don't go cold turkey... you may get the sweats and shakes and stuff....
Thank you!
I needed to read that.
I'm blogging to much - or maybe just interneting too much in general.
There's way worse things you could be addicted to...
... like crocheting
I put this down to losing my blogging mojo but I think it was actually all those things. So I stopped for a little while and last night wrote two posts and enjoyed it. I have to remind myself it's not a popularity contest.
I do it for me and the good friends I don't see because they live elsewhere and my mum - she loves it. I do love the blogger side of it but that's just an unexpected bonus... and 68 followers is ok, fine, great (even if it drops to 67)and I MUST remember that. What am I, sixteeen???! Hell we're all still sixteen! A x
Maybe you could try taking the week off. Cold turkey! You can do it!
That was my thought also this last month, and I feel the weight, and the guilt also..Thanks for sharing your thought.
I basically blogged about the same thing yesterday. We all deserve to have real lives too!
Sometimes you need to structure your blog so it doesn't take up all your time. I live differently than most people and have many chores that NEED to be done for basic living. I have been creating blog posts in advance and that helps me get them out almost daily.
I think every blogger comes to this point at some time... I know I'm there now and am desperately trying to scale back in an attempt to salvage my blog. I'm burned out!! Good luck.
Wow, I'm reading so much of this lately. I was there earlier this year. Now I've found a good balance and I love blogging again.
You are right! Sometimes we need to get away and recharge and live the real life out there! I try to do that, not easy, but I try to walk away every couple days. The connection we find on line with people who have a lot in common with us is very amazing! That's why it's so hard to let it go!
Don't worry, we will be here for you when you are ready to comeback.
miss you Simoney....
but you and I know we are more than bloggy friends
; )
thinking of you..where ever you are and whatever you are doing....
love and light
Yes, yes, yes! You totally get my point!
I struggle with those issues many days as well. I'm finding it very helpful to schedule posts and then take one or two days a week and don't turn the computer on at all while the children are awake. It actually improves everyone's attitudes.
Here from PYHO.
Simone!!! Did you read my post yesterday??? It must be going around! I have been convicted of the very same thing and will be spending less time on line too. I was squandering time with my husband and children, and most importantly my time with the Lord. I am walking this with you!
I have to say I found myself blogging more than I needed to and have spent the last couple of weeks spending more time outside rather than sitting at the computer thinking about what I could write. Then it took a 3 year old to say "I want to write something on your blog" to make me think I needed time away *sigh*
I can think of worse addictions ;)
Gosh, I think I need to take a page from your book. I need to spend more time with The Boy and less time on the computer.
Good for you! You and Shell on are on the same page today aren't you? I have pulled back too on my time online. It is still important and I love it but I find that I need balance. It is great therapy for me too! I wish I had blogging when I was going through all my lows.
I love ya even if you need to take some breaks! ;)
I can see my naughty husband has been commenting here! Ahem!
Such a good post Simone - I'm loving finally finding my balance which is USUALLY around 4 a week and taking the weekend off.
Most of my most fav blogs only blog around once a week - once a month but they are really good posts and I look forward to them eagerly!!
Loving the honesty of this post. I have found inspiration to look at the balance in my life with all things. I am taking the chance to find things I really want to blog about instead of "having" to write that next post :)
So tragically TRUE on all accounts. Why do these "good" things have to turn on us and become somewhat bad? Bah! Anyway, good for you for taking a little break. Do what ya gotta do. Hope you get rejuvinated.
Bravo to you my darling! Enjoy your break from blogging, enjoy your family, enjoy the sunshine!
I am like a few others here. I blog for me, I don't ever look at "analytics", don't have that sitemetre thing and comment when I can. Blogging is so much better for me now because of this!
Take care sweet friend.
So so true and I NEEDED to hear it :) I haven't been blogging as much b/c I have a lot of little ones and I've felt GUILTY for not commenting as much as I used to and for not posting as much. Thank you for lightening that burden :)
Have you seen this quiz? Check out another blog-aholics confessions http://lifeonplanetbaby.blogspot.com/
which I stumbled across from Meredy's blog.
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