{BTW: The speech bubbles are Daddy's off-camera voice in case you were wondering...}
Salty sea dogs, venturing forth to adventure and glory...
Pirate-Me braved the Under The Sea Kids Ball on my own with the younger kids. A brave and fearless pirate am I.
{For those of you who are less-than-impressed by my bravery and fearlessness, until recently going somewhere noisy and crowded has been a Very Big Deal for me and nearly impossible, even with Mr G to hold my hand. To even dream of doing it on my own is a Miniature Miracle all on its own. So YAY ME.}
Daddy and Dash were otherwise occupied.
They were busy celebrating with Dash's soccer team
Dash spent the morning shooting goals and winning the 9th Grade Central Football Championship with his amazing team, the Mighty Leopards.
So Dash and Daddy went off with the Leopards to celebrate their victory at the club rooms, and a mighty victory it was too.
Unbeaten. All Season. An amazing achievement.
Congratulations Leopards!
And while the boys were celebrating we dastardly Pirates went to the Ball...
The organisers {our church Kids Leaders and their team} did an amazing job, surpassing anything I could have cooked up
I had nothing to do with this event. I am learning to say No.
And look! They didn't need me at all...
I mean the setting was incredible. See where those fishes are projected on that screen?
They are swimming. Actually moving. Stingrays, sharks... gliding by like you're in an aquarium.
{Or Under the Sea...}
There was also billowing fabric above you and a bubble machine blowing bubbles so you really did feel like you were Under the Sea - or at least at Kelly Tarltons...
The attention to detail would have done any party blogger proud.
And the costumes!!! Our thrown-together outfits from the dress up box were never going to win a prize... but the ones that did win... amazing!
Hard to see from the photos but this collage features a jewel-encrusted mermaid mummy and lobster-daddy and a jellyfish that actually lights up. All Homemade. Amazing.
Being an event open to the community, it was packed.
Heaving with kids and parents. Scrag was right into it. Miss Fab {or "Wub" as he calls her} clung to me like a deep sea limpet. Gail, she misses her dancing partner, Miss O!!!
The whole night was so well done. Hats off to the organisers - you did an amazing job.
Next time, people, if you're in town you really must come!
Beyond the Ball and the excitement of the ultimate football victory, there was gardening.
Scrubbing outdoor furniture, raking leaves, mowing lawns...
Because, people, Spring is just a round the corner!!!
Only three days away, and feeling like spring already.
So much so, we got out the sun lounger today. Ate ice cream, read books, in the sun.
Sorry to you Northern Hemisphere-ites... its our turn now for beautiful weather and lazy days...
I've even prepared my spring header in honour of the occasion...
Ahhh Spring. I feel you in the air.
Speaking of headers, I meant to send you over to visit Penny's brand new blog {which I designed for her} in my Friday Loving post but I got all "Am I a bad mother...? Am I doing a good enough job...?" and just wasn't in a very promotey mood.
But really, you should go visit Penny - she's a lovely girl, and she has a very pretty blog *ahem* if I do say so myself.

You'll find her over at "The Life of Penny"... so go say hi from me.
That's all I got for now.
Off to do my online shopping....

Oh how much fun is that?? My children were either so totally into a costume or party or . . . fell to pieces, often crying when they were the centre of attention & no photos, oh no no. You had to pick your moment. Love Posie
Wow - the party looks amazing! I really did think they were at KT's for a minute there! Love your new header. xoxo
WOW!!! What an amazing Ball!!!
FANTASTIC party !! !! And loving your costumes and YEAH you for venturing out!!
Penny's blog looks SO lovely
ps: whoop whoop I'm an online shopper too!
fun fun fun :)
that screen is amazing...I was fully wondering which aquarium you were at
I've said this before, but what a fun mom you are! Great party idea.
Looks like fun, good on ya Simoney! Man you are so photogenic!!
what does Gail always say???
love and light
oh well done! It looks like the ball was so much fun! Fabulous Equippers team!
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