If you're a parent you probably know how difficult it is to get babysitters on New years Eve. What young person wants to sit on the couch earning peanuts when they could be out, seeing the New Year in?
How many New Years Eves did we spend as new parents, sitting together on the couch watching rubbish TV, wishing we were at a party with our friends. But it was impossible. We had kids. They had kids. Kids need to sleep. They need their own beds... no New Years Eve parties til the kids have left home... boo hoo.
How many New Years Eves did we spend as new parents, sitting together on the couch watching rubbish TV, wishing we were at a party with our friends. But it was impossible. We had kids. They had kids. Kids need to sleep. They need their own beds... no New Years Eve parties til the kids have left home... boo hoo.
Then a few years ago I had a bright idea. A party at our house. Invite other people stuck in town for work; stuck at home with kids. Tell them to bring the kids PJ's and sleeping bags. Let off some fireworks as soon as it gets dark then snuggle the little ones down in front of a DVD. Then the grown ups can relax and enjoy adult company, and see in the New Year in a proper fashion. With friends and fun.
So now that's what we do, whenever we're in town over New Year.
This year was no exception.
We had a lovely evening, with just a few friends most of whom may be familiar to you...

Gail and Co (Delightfully Diva-ish) and Lyns and Co (Once Upon a Time), along with our out-of-town buddies BJ and Cee and of course, Granny.
We may have been few in numbers but that didn't mean we were quiet. Oh no. This was, as always, a kid-friendly new years eve party, remember. BYO kids.
A classic kiwi new years. Blokes BBQing, pavlova for pudding, toasting marshmallows and letting off fireworks.

Chilling under the grapevine. Or in the hammock.
Eating, drinking...
{this is Rangi and Scrag at their special little table. Don't they look like brothers? Tee Hee. Both super cute, that's why}
Kids playing chasies and hide-n-seek. Garden soccer. Doing silly dances and making us all laugh.
Yes. That would be my kid.
The one who got the Dance and Drama award for his class
Nice. Relaxed. A pleasant way to see in the New Year.
Apart from the total meltdown by one of my children at 11.15pm. Rather late I know. But it was New Years Eve.
We packed them all off to bed at last and were left to see in the New Year with our remaining guests, giving thanks for one thing each from 2010. And stating one thing we were hoping for in 2011.
Its now the next day. Of course the kids were up bright and early this morning, even though they had gone to bed four hours past their bedtime. Hence my droopy eyelids and afternoon PJ-wearing.
Ahhhh, I hear the sweet sound of a child wailing my name, "Muuuuuummmmeeeee!"
The New Year has begun. May it be a good one. (And by good I mean one where we get enough sleep, enough to eat and have friends and loved ones with us for the journey, whatever the days ahead might bring).
Happy New Year!!
So what about you? What ya thankful for in 2010??? Hoping for in 2011?? {or if you;re shy, how did you spend New Year's Eve??}
Well we are still in 2010 over here Sim. Just had burgers with my family and my bro's fam...then off for a couple hours of bowling to come back to a back yard fire with fire works and a roasting of meat and sweets.
Hey how is 2011 anyways????
love to you
love and light
ps loved seeing all those familiar faces so cool!
Ahh Simone you are the hostess with the most-est!! We had such a good time and hated to leave early. My kids loved your kids, and Gail's kids. Bubble asking if she can invite the big girls to her party. Thanks to you and your family for helping us end 2010 on such a good note. 1.1.11 has been a good day - and I also hang out in my pjs for a good part of it xx
Dont worry, its now 2.15pm here and I too am still in my PJs.. and I didnt even stay up late last night! although did get woken by our noisy neighbours at midnight...
Happy New Year, Ive got a feeling this one is going to be a great year!! especially moving back to NZ in 25 days!!! eeekkk!!!
Oh what a lovely night and great memories for your kids.
Leonie! 25 days! Where are you settling?
Now THAT'S how I remember New Year's Eve in NZ - bbq's (supervised by the men), great friends, food and beverages. I love your photos, it looks like such a lovely relaxed evening.
Well among other things I am thankful for a 'surprise' pregnancy in 2010 and am hoping for/looking forward to the safe arrival of baby #3 in June 2011! Exciting/fun/challenging/stretching times ahead I'm sure :)
Happy New Year to you and hoping you will be super-blessed in 2011 XX
Your night looked amazing. So much fun and laughter with great friends and yummy food.
Speaking of meltdowns - we lit sparklers after the 9am fireworks in Sydney...our 4 year old burnt his thumb and the 2 yr old cried hysterically because we wouldn't give him his own....disaster! What were we thinking?? Situation normal I suppose:) Hope 2011 brings alot more of happy times with your gorgeous family and friends. Meredy xo.
It WAS a great night - a perfect end to 2010!
Looks like a fabulous evening and I admire you all for bravely going for it with the children! Our children were exhausted from a sleep over the night before and asleep by 8! The year before we'd gone to our local beach to watch the last sunset, have a wee BBQ and sparklers. This year was a film and bed (but we managed to stay awake - just - to see in the NY!). We made up for our lack of partying with a fabulous New Year's Day; a family walk, celebration cup cakes & phone calls to England. So love starting the New Year in the sunshine :)
P.S. LOVE all the photos - the first two are so atmospheric, the hammock so fun, the wee one in a parents arms nodding off, your son doing his thing! Brilliant!
Gosh, i want to be at your NYE party Simoney, it looks ace. The good weather helps though eh?
Not a blah post girl. Always jam packed with fab pics and collages. You make life look like so much fun!
Happy new year Simoney! Hope 2011 is a fantastic year for you. Your party looks fabulous!
what a great celebration!!!!!! We just hung out inside and played wii bowling.
Have a wonderful 2011.
A little belated I know but HAPPY NEW YEAR! What a fab night you all had together. You do parties real good!
I'm hoping that this new year sees our family bonds grow even stronger.
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