Princess decided she didn't like her fringe anymore, so she cut it all off.

Here she is, the culprit responsible for sending my blood pressure through the roof, wearing a borrowed headband and looking somewhat subdued after things had simmered down a little.
Far from being wordless - as you can imagine - I had a lot to say about this! There was a lot of shouting and many tears (and not just on her part). She is starting school soon! She is having a Princess Party! She has no hair in the front!!
And this is the second time she's done this - her hair had only just started looking normal again after the last time she took to it with the scissors (before Scrag was born!!!)
There's nothing I can do to fix it. All I can do is cover it. I went for a walk around the corner to my good friend Linda's house (distancing myself from the tragedy that was my daughter's hair helped me calm down, the fresh air helped my breathing return to normal, and telling her about it helped me see the funny side). Thankfully Linda had a spare stretchy hairband that she lent us to cover up the MESS so we could be seen in public. (Oh my gosh, people will think I did this to her?!!! What kind of mother cuts her daughter's hair like that???)
Today I stocked up on stretchy hair bands in every colour available and a hat. It's going to take a long time to grow back. So if you're wondering why the Princess is wearing a hairband in every photo for the next year or so.... now you know. She is nearly completely bald at the front of her head!
Boo hoo.... boooooo hoooooo.... bboooo hhhoooo... (hic) boooooo hooo....
oh no!!
oh no!!
...I feel really bad that I am giggling right now .. sorry!!
(the first image looks like there are grey hairs - I thought Rory was shaving his hair off! lol )
Oh crap!
How long has it been since the last one?
oh dear!! now I feel even worse for not meeting up with ya...lol
Oh no! It's so sad... but also a bit funny... you poor thing! yay for big headbands I say!!
hello fellow mommy it's annz from mbc I've followed you pls. follow me too thank you.
That dolls hair is hysterical. I don't have a girl, so I always wonder how dolls hairs get that way... humm LOL
I'm following from the MBC under 100 ;)
Good thing hair grows back! lol What a trip!
Simone - you are right. There are no words! I feel your pain.
Oh Simoney, what a shocker! But on the upside, kudos to Linda for thinking of the hairband! It really works!!
poor thing.
Its hilarious and also terrible:)
Following from MBC---please follow back...
<3 sarasophia
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Nooooooooooo! why do they DO that?????
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