School on a Saturday?
Turns out it can be rather traumatic.
Our school celebrated it's 125th Jubilee this week and held an Open House, for former teachers and pupils. On a Saturday. So of course they needed to fill the classrooms and playground with little bodies, much to Miss Fab's distress.
School on a Saturday? Giving up her FAMILY TIME to sit in school???
Actual tears of anguish were shed. But she went.
Her class was performing at the assembly, and Miss Fab is not one to let the team down.
{Dash had football; all footballers were excused. Lucky Dash, said Miss Fab.}
I think she makes a rather enchanting Edwardian girl, don't you?
As it turned it, she had fun. And I was able to sneak in the back and watch the performance, which gave her a thrill.
And as a treat we went for coffee and cake at our favourite local cafe, Cosset.
"What does cosset mean, mum?" Miss Fab asked me as we waited for our drinks.
Cosset is like, cosy. To "cosset" someone is to make them feel cosy and comfortable, I told her.
A very aptly named cafe. Everything quirky and vintage, from the mismatched plates and chairs to the stacks of old books and toys. Also, Cosset is a haven for the dairy and gluten intolerant not that you'd ever know that these delicious treats were lacking in anything. Sticky gingerbread, lavender cupcakes, ladysmith cake... every day the offerings are different.
We love Cosset. A lovely spot just around the corner to enjoy mummy-daughter time together.
Something else I love that I spotted at school, written on one of the classroom windows:
If you can't quite make it out, here's what it says:
Be there. Say yes as often as you can.
Read books out loud with joy. Stop yelling.
Encourage silliness. Search out the positives.
Teach about feelings. Plan to build a rocket ship.
Make a zombie survival kit. Invent pleasures together.
Express your love... LOTS
Don't you love it? I especially love the bit about the rocket ship and the zombie survival kit. You won't be surprised to know that this guy is the Year Three teacher everybody wishes they had. I just had to take a picture (Miss Fab thought that was pretty weird but she's used to my photo-nerd tendencies)
Anyway, that was just some of our weekend. Now on to Best in Blog...
Best of Me
Did you read my Scrag's Guide to Making Girls Scream? I had so much fun writing this, but it didn't score very highly on the response-o-meter. I'm guessing it was all the talk of bodily fluids that put people off? Whatever it was still my fav from last week.
I also had fun making collages of my home, for "On Housework". You can bet that my house looks nothing like these photos after the weekend.
Best of You
This week my two favs from you were...
Natasha in Oz on the Power of Blogging - some amazing onformation in there that I'm going back to re-read when I get a minute
and JackstaB on Thankful Thursday - just a lovely heartwarming story.
How to join in with my "Best in Blog" linky.
The "Best in Blog" Linky opens at 7am every Monday (NZ time*) and closes midnight Friday.
You don't have to write a special post, or take a photo on a theme or anything that requires extra work...
All you have to do is pick your favourite post from the past week (the one you are most proud of) and share it with us. I will feature my favourites on next week's Best in Blog.
Just one thing you need to do before you link up... Can you please dress your post with this pretty button I've made so your readers can find our linky too?

Thankyou kindly!
(Oh, and please leave us a comment telling us why you picked this one... even if it was because it was your only one, hahaha!)
*For some of you US readers, that will be sometime on Sunday!
*For some of you US readers, that will be sometime on Sunday!
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